Summary of Programming Commands
Programs are enclosed with "pointy" brackets ( << >> ). All the programming instructions are included with a set of brackets. These brackets include subroutines.
Local Variables (from the Stack Only)
Keystrokes: << value_n ... value_2 value_1 [RS] 0 ( → ) var_n ... var_2 var_1 [RS] [ + ] (<< >>) to start the main program
Caution: This can be used in only simple cases - such as storing numbers to variables.
A Safe Way to Clean Up the Variables
Keystrokes: [LS] [ + ] ( { } ) [ ' ] enter variable 1 repeat the [ ' ] "var name" as necessary [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [F2] (MEM) [F1] (PURGE)
Syntax: { 'var1' 'var2' ... } PURGE
Put the purge instruction at the end of the program.
Force a Numerical Approximation
Keystrokes: [RS] [ENTER] ( → NUM )
Simplify an Expression
Keystroke: [EVAL]
IF-THEN-END Structure
IF condition
THEN do these instructions if the condition is true
Keystrokes: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [F3] (BRCH) [LS] [F1] (IF)
IF condition
THEN do these instructions if the condition is true
ELSE do these instructions if the condition is false
Keystrokes: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [F3] (BRCH) [RS] [F1] (IF)
FOR-NEXT Structure
starting-number ending-number FOR counter-variable
instructions to be done, can use the counter-variable
Keystrokes: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [F3] (BRCH) [LS] [F4] (FOR)
PROMPT (Prompting for Information)
"prompting string" PROMPT
During execution, the prompt will be at the top of the screen. Enter what the program requires and then press [LS] [ON] (CONT).
Keystrokes: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [NXT] [F5] (IN) [NXT] [F1] (PROMP)
Accessing the Catalog
Keystrokes: [RS] [SYMB] (CAT)
Call the Solver
<< equation STEQ 30 MENU >>
STEQ: find STEQ in the catalog
MENU: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [NXT] [F4] (MODES) [F5] (MENU) [F1] (MENU)
Operating the solver:
Assign a number to a variable: value [F#] (variable)
To recall the variable's value: [RS] [F#] (variable)
To solve for the desired variable: [LS] [F#] (variable)
You may want to make a separate program to purge the variables used int he program when using STEQ 30 MENU.
WHILE this condition is met
REPEAT these instructions
Keystrokes: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [F3] (BRCH) [LS] [F6] (WHILE)
Temporary Menus Within a Program
{ { "title_1" << program_1 >> }
{ "title_2" << program_2 >> }
{ "title_n" << program_n >> } } TMENU
Keystrokes for TMENU: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [NXT] [F4] (MODES) [F5] (MENU) [F3] (TMENU)
Alternatively: Hold [LS] while pressing [MODE] [F5] (MENU) [F3] (TMENU)
DO-UNTIL-END Structure
DO these instructions
UNTIL this condition is met
Keystrokes: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [F3] (BRCH) [LS] [F5] (DO)
CASE Structure
CASE condition_1 THEN instructions_1 END
condition_2 THEN instructions_2 END
condition_3 THEN instructions_3 END
(default instructions - optional) END
Keystrokes: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [F3] (BRCH) [LS] [F2] (CASE)
THEN-END (Additional Conditions):
Keystrokes: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [F3] (BRCH) [RS] [F2] (CASE)
START-NEXT Structure
This is like the FOR-NEXT structure but without the counter-variable
starting-number ending-number START counter-variable
instructions to be done, can use the counter-variable
Keystrokes: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [F3] (BRCH) [LS] [F3] (START)
Enter subroutines at the beginning of the program. Purge it at the end.
Custom Menus
Store to the custom menu (CST): [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [NXT] [F4] (MODES) [ ' ] [F2] (CST) [STO>]
Alternatively: Hold [LS] and press [MODE] [F4] (MODES) [ ' ] [F2] (CST) [STO>]
This action replaces any previous contents of CST.
Retrieve the custom menu (CST): [LS] [MODE] (CUSTOM)
Message Box
"message string" MSGBOX
Keystrokes: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [NXT] [F6] (OUT) [F6] (MSGBO)
Choose Box Structure
"title of the choose box"
{ {"selection 1" program 1}
{"selection 2" program 2}
{"selection n" program n} }
IF 1 ==
To Find CHOOSE: [LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [NXT] [F5] (IN) [F3] (CHOOS)
Set and Clear Flags
flag number SF
flag number CF
Get to the Flags Menu:
[LS] [EVAL] (PRG) [NXT] [F4] (MODES) [F3] (FLAG) OR
Hold [LS] press [MODE] [F3] (FLAG)
To set flags : [F1] (SF)
To clear flags: [F2] (CF)
User flags: 1 through 127
System flags: -1 through -127
Flag -13: TVM BGN Mode (Set), TVM END Mode (Clear)
Flag -40: Display Clock (Set), Don't Display Clock (Clear)
Flag -41: 24 Hour Clock (Set), 12 Hour Clock (Clear)
Flag -95: Algebraic Mode (Set), RPN Mode (Clear)
Flag -103: Complex Mode (Set), Real Mode (Clear)
Flag -105: Approximate Mode (Set), Exact Mode (Clear)
A very handy pair of programming commands is PUSH and POP. Both commands are found in the catalog.
PUSH: saves the current status of the flags
POP: restores the last saved status of the flags
Some Graphing Commands
XRNG: Sets the left and right boundaries of the plot screen.
left-boundary right-boundary XRNG
YRNG: Sets the bottom and top boundaries of the plot screen.
bottom-boundary top-boundary YRNG
FUNCTION: Sets the calculator to the Function graphing mode (y(x)).
STEQ: Stores an equation, program, or expression into the EQ variable. EQ is used for graphing and/or solving.
INDEP: Sets the variable as independent. The variable is usually X, but can be T, N, Θ, or any other variable.
'var' INDEP
ERASE: Erases the plot screen and gets the calculator ready to draw a fresh, new plot.
DRAW: Has the calculator draw whatever is stored in EQ.
DRAX: Draws the axes.
PICTURE: Switches the calculator to the plot (picture) environment.
Some Algebra and Calculus Commands
[SYMB] [F1] (ALG) [F1] (EXPAN)
[SYMB] [F1] (ALG) [F2] (FACTO)
Level 2: expression(var)
Level 1: 'var = value'
[SYMB] [F1] (ALG) [F5] (SUBST)
Proper Fraction
[SYMB] [F2] (ARITH) [F5] (PROF)
Derivative (General)
Level 2: expression(var)
Level 1: 'var'
[RS] [COS] ( ∂ )
Integral (General)
Level 4: low limit
Level 3: high limit
Level 2: expression(var)
Level 1: 'var'
[RS] [TAN] ( ∫ )
Sum (General)
Level 4: 'var'
Level 3: low limit
Level 2: high limit
Level 1: expression(var)
[RS] [SIN] ( ∑ )