Sunday, February 25, 2018

Happy Sunday - HP Prime Update (Firmware 13441), Next Week

Happy Sunday - HP Prime Update (Firmware 13441), SAT

Happy Sunday! 

HP Prime Update – Firmware 13441

The current firmware is now version 13441.  According to the release notes, Firmware 13441 addresses and corrects any problems that were present in version 13333, including empty lists in geometry, EXPR and nested arguments, and DIMGROB issues.

Links to get the new firmware and Connectivity Kit:

Next Week – I Tackle the SAT

I am going to tackle some practice SAT math questions, particular from the Mathematics Level 2.  It’s been about 23 since I took the SAT (for real), so a lot has changed over the years.  The SAT now allows graphing calculators on the test, and if you check out the SAT page, the College Board is really open to what type of calculator students can use now.  Only calculators with QWERTY keyboards, using styluses (on the Casio Classpad or Sharp EL-9600c), and calculator apps are no-nos.  (No iOS, Android, TI-92 Plus)


Graphing calculators are now allowed on the SAT (on the tests that allow calculators) (L-R: TI-84 Plus CE, HP Prime, Casio fx-CG50)
Also the SAT is now offered seven times year.  I don’t remember if the SAT was offered that frequently back in the early 1990s when I was in high school. 

This is a challenge for me to see if I still can answer some SAT level questions. 

To all those who are taking the SAT (and/or other college entrance exams) this year: best of luck and much success! 

Spam:  It Sucks

Lately the comments section of this blog has been hit by a lot of spam.  I am policing the comments sections posted on the blog.  If you are going to comment, please keep your comments about the topic.  If people were interested in casinos or printer repairs, they would look for that instead of coming here. 

Much thanks to those who post legitimate comments, it is much appreciated.

Thank you,


This blog is property of Edward Shore, 2018

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