Friday, November 29, 2019

Working with Hyperbolic Sine and Cosine

Working with Hyperbolic Sine and Cosine

Definition of sinh and cosh

Hyperbolic Sine

sinh x = (e^x - e^-x) / 2

Hyperbolic Cosine

cosh x = (e^x + e^-x) / 2


Adding sinh to cosh

cosh x + sinh x
= (e^x + e^-x) / 2 + (e^x - e^-x) / 2
= (2*e^x + e^-x - e^-x) / 2
= (2*e^x) / 2
= e^x

Subtracting sinh from cosh

cosh x - sinh x
= (e^x + e^-x) / 2 - (e^x - e^-x) / 2
= (e^x + e^-x - e^x + e^-x) / 2
= (2*e^-x) / 2
= e^-x

Multiplication of sinh and cosh

cosh x * cosh y
= (e^x + e^-x) / 2 * (e^y + e^-y) / 2
= (e^x * e^y + e^x * e^-y + e^-x * e^y + e^-x * e^-y) / 4

sinh x * sinh y
= (e^x - e^-x) / 2 * (e^y - e^-y) / 2
= (e^x * e^y - e^x * e^-y - e^-x * e^y + e^-x * e^-y) / 4

cosh x * cosh y + sinh x * sinh y
= (e^x * e^y + e^x * e^-y + e^-x * e^y + e^-x * e^-y) / 4
+ (e^x * e^y - e^x * e^-y - e^-x * e^y + e^-x * e^-y) / 4
= (2 * e^x * e^y + 2 * e^-x * e^-y) / 4
= (e^x * e^y + e^-x * e^-y) / 2
= (e^(x+y) + e^-(x+y)) / 2
= cosh(x + y)

sinh x * cosh y
= (e^x - e^-x) / 2 * (e^y + e^-y) / 2
= (e^x * e^y + e^x * e^-y - e^-x * e^y - e^-x * e^-y) / 4

sinh y * cosh x
= (e^y - e^-y) / 2 * (e^x + e^-x) / 2
= (e^x * e^y - e^x * e^-y - e^-x * e^-y + e^-x * e^y) / 4

sinh x * cosh y + sinh y * cosh x
= (e^x * e^y + e^x * e^-y - e^-x * e^y - e^-x * e^-y) / 4
+ (e^x * e^y - e^x * e^-y - e^-x * e^-y + e^-x * e^y) / 4
= (2 * e^x * e^y - 2 * e^-x * e^-y) / 4
= (e^(x+y) - e^-(x+y)) / 2
= sinh(x + y)

cosh^2 x
= ((e^x + e^-x) / 2)^2
= (e^(2*x) + 2 * e^x * e^-x + e^-(2*x)) / 4
= (e^(2*x) + 2 + e^-(2*x)) / 4

sinh^2 x
= ((e^x - e^-x) / 2)^2
= (e^(2*x) - 2 * e^x * e^-x + e^-(2*x)) / 4
= (e^(2*x) - 2 + e^-(2*x)) / 4

cosh^2 x + sinh^2 x
= (e^(2*x) + 2 + e^-(2*x)) / 4 + (e^(2*x) - 2 + e^-(2*x)) / 4
= (2*e^(2*x) + 2*e^-(2*x)) / 4
= (e^(2*x) + e^-(2*x)) / 2
= cosh(2*x)


cosh x + sinh x = e^x
cosh x - sinh x = e^-x
cosh x * cosh y + sinh x * sinh y = cosh(x + y)
sinh x * cosh y + sinh y * cosh x = sinh(x + y)
cosh^2 x + sinh^2 x = cosh(2*x)

Oldham, Keith, Myland, Jan, and Spainer, Jerome.  An Atlas of Functions  2nd Edition.  Springer:  New York.  ISBN 978-0-387-48806-6  2009

Stay safe and sane this Black Friday,


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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