Saturday, May 6, 2023

Wheel Calculator: Merchant's Graphic Profit Finder

Wheel Calculator:  Merchant's Graphic Profit Finder

Quick Facts

Model:  Merchant's Graphic Profit Finder

Company:  G.C. Company

Years:  1954

Type:  Business and Merchandise

I purchased this wheel calculator at a swap meet in Long Beach, California in February 2023.

What is the Selling Price?

The Graphic Profit Finder is a paper slide rule calculator.   A stationary wheel sits on top of a sliding wheel.   

Red Side:  Calculating selling price based on cost and mark-up

Black Side:  Calculate selling price based on cost and margin

The stationary wheel has markup percentages and margin percentages.  

Mark-Up:  Use the red arrow to set the cost.  Set the arrow to the profit mark-up, which will point to the selling price.   

Margin:  Use the black arrow to set the cost.  Set the arrow to the margin, which will point to the selling price.

Each side has two additional arrows attached to the stationary wheel:  Cost Per Dozen and Cost Per Gross.

Formulas Used

Let x = Cost

Cost Per Dozen = 1.2 * x

Cost Per Gross = 1.44 * x

Selling Price on Mark-Up = x * (1 + mark-up% ÷ 100)

Selling Price on Margin = x ÷ (1 - margin% ÷ 100)

More sliding and wheel calculators to possibly come,


All original content copyright, © 2011-2023.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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