Saturday, February 10, 2024

Spotlight: Aristo Multilog Nr. 970 Slide Rule

Spotlight: Aristo Multilog Nr. 970 Slide Rule

Release Year:  1954

Santa Barbara and Carpentaria, California, are two of my favorite places to visit.   While on vacation in December 2023 in Santa Barbara, I bought a Aristo Nr. Slide Rule at Antique Alley.  

Not only did the slide rule have a nice, hard case, the slide rule is large. The slide rule also has a functional description of each scale.  I also like the slide rule uses two colors, black and brown, to distinguish the scales from each other.  

Side 1:

LL00:   e^(-0.001X)

K:  X^3  (K = D^3)

A:  X^2  (A = D^2)

CF:  πX  

CIF:  1/(πX)

L:  lg X  (log X)

CI:  1/X

C:  X

D:  X

DI:  1/X

LL0:  e^(0.001X)

Side 2:

LL01:  e^(-0.01X)

LL02:  e^(-0.1X)

LL03:  e^(-X)

DF:  πX

B:  X^2

T:  ∡tg   (tan X, X is in degrees, tan D° = T)

ST:  ∡arc  (tan X, sin X)

S:  ∡sin  (arcsin X, sin D° = T) 

C:  X

D:  X 

LL3:  e^X  (LL3 = e^D)

LL2:  e^(0.1X)

LL1:  e^(0.01X)

As a bonus, the slide rule came with a reference card.  One one side is the Dietzgen Slide Rule Conversion Tables  (U.S. and SI units, 1950), and other side is a table of common areas, surface areas, volumes, and trigonometric properties of the right triangle.   I don't know if this was standard addition when the Aristo Multilog Nr. 970 was sold.  

This may be my favorite slide rule:  not only the scales are large (and as a result easier on the eyes to read), but the fact that there are function descriptions on the scales is a big plus.  


All original content copyright, © 2011-2024.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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