Saturday, June 8, 2024

Casio fx-4000P - The Programs I took on Vacation

 Casio fx-4000P - The Programs I took on Vacation

I was on vacation in Atascadero last May 2024 at a car conference with my partner. I may not have classic cars, but I do have classic calculators. Here the programs I took with me in Casio fx-4000P.
I also took my HP 45 with me as well.

Total: 448 bytes out of 550 bytes ( ^ => x^y)

Prog 0: Quadratic Equation: Po Shen way: x^2 + B * x + C = 0, built for real roots (39 steps)

“ B “ : ? → B : “C” : ? → C : B² ÷ 4 – C → W ◢ -B ÷ 2 - √W ◢ Ans + 2 × √W

Prog 1: Law of Cosines - Side Z (45 steps)

Deg : “X” : ? → X : “Y” : ? → Y : “C” : ? → C : X² + Y² – 2 × X × Y × cos C : √Ans → Z

Prog 2: Law of Cosines - Angle C (49 steps)

Deg : “X” : ? → X : “Y” : ? → Y : “Z” : ? → Z : ( X² + Y² – Z² ) ÷ ( 2 × X × Y ) : cos^-1 Ans → C

Prog 3: Area of Triangle – Heron’s Formula (55 steps)

X” : ?→X : “Y” : ?→Y : “Z” : ?→Z : (X + Y + Z) ÷ 2→S : √( S×(S – X)×(S – Y)×(S – Z))

Prog 4: Speed of Sound in Dry Air (53 steps)

All constants, γ, R, M are taken care of in the formula, T = temp in °F

Conversions: 1 m/s = 2.236936 mph, 20.04503702 * 2.236936 = 44.83946493

T “ : ?→T : 5÷9 × (T – 32) + 273.15 : 20.04503702 * √Ans : 2.236936 * Ans → S

Prog 5: Horizontal Curve Analysis Given Central Angle and Radius (52 steps)

I = central angle, R = radius, L = arc length, C = chord length

Deg : “I” : ?→I : “R” : ?→R : “L=” ◢ π×R×I ÷ 180 → L ◢ “C=” ◢ 2×R× sin(I ÷ 2) → C

Prog 6: D = Displacement of a Cylinder (in) (36 steps)

B = bore (in), S = stroke (in), N = number of cylinders

“B” : ? → B : “S” : ? → S : “N” : ? → N : π × B² × S × N ÷ 4 → D

Prog 7: Tire Size (in) (36 steps)

S = section width (mm), A = aspect ratio, R = rim diameter (S, A, R → )

“S” : ? → S : “A” : ? → A : “R” : ? → R : S × A ÷ 1270 + R → T

Prog 8: Air Pressure for height up to 36,089 ft above sea level (inHg) (45 steps)

This is with constants already completed (g, M, R, etc.)

H” : ?→H : 29.92126 × (1 - 6.875 × 10^-6 × H) x^y 5.255876329 → P

Prog 9: Breaking Distance in Feet Given the Car’s Velocity in Miles Per Hour (35 steps)

V” : ? → V : V × 22 ÷ 15 : Ans × 1.5 + Ans² ÷ 45.04367 → D


“Breaking Distance” Wikipedia. Last Edited March 30, 2024. Accessed April 29, 2024.

Hagberg Media AB. “Stopping distance = reca2tion distance + breaking distance” 2024.

Accessed April 29, 2024.

Just for fun,


All original content copyright, © 2011-2024. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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