HP 48: Law of Sines and Cosines, Quadratic Formula, and Cubic Formula.
Hi everyone! Recently, a poster on the MoHPC HP Calculator Forum asked for programs for solving triangles and finding roots for polynomials. (link here)
I will repost the programs here. They have been done with the HP 48S.
Law of Sines:
sin(θ1)/S1 = sin(θ2)/S2. Apply this to any of the two sides and their corresponding angels.
θ which can be typed by pressing:
HP 48S: [alpha] [right shift] (F)
HP 48G: [alpha] [right shift] (F)
HP 50g: [alpha] [right shift] (T)
<< 'SIN(θ1)/S1=SIN(θ2)/S2' STEQ 30 MENU>>
Law of Cosines:
A^2=B^2+C^2-2BC cos θ
<< 'SQ(A)=SQ(B)+SQ(C)-2*B*C*COS(θ)' STEQ 30 MENU>>
30 MENU brings up the calculator's solver using whatever is stored in STEQ.
QD: (Quadratic Formula) - Credit goes to the document "1 Minute Marvels" by Wldoek Mier-Jedrzejowicz and Richard Nelson (They have this program named 'quad')
3: A
2: B
1: C
2: root 1
1: root 2
<< 3 PICK / SWAP ROT -2 * / DUP SQ ROT - √ + LASTARG - >>
SQRT: Square Root
CU: Cubic Formula Uses the program QD above. This program finds the roots of AX^3+BX^2+CX+D=0
4: A
3: B
2: C
1: D
3: root 1
2: root 2
1: root 1
<< → A B C D
C 3 A * / B SQ 9 A SQ * / - 'Q' STO
C B * A SQ / 3 D * A / - 6 / B 3 ^ 27 A 3 ^ * / - 'R' STO
R Q 3 ^ R SQ + √ + 3 XROOT 'S' STO
R Q 3 ^ R SQ + √ - 3 XROOT 'T' STO
S T + B 3 A * / - 'X' STO
B A X * +
C B X * + A X SQ * +
{Q,R,S,T,X} PURGE >> >>
What is Coming Up
Coming in August, I will do a short series which I will use a graphing calculator with programming capabilities, most likely the TI-84 Plus, to demonstrate how programming is used to assist in mathematical applications: including finding the amount of miles between two places, projectile motion, and random walks.
If you get a chance, check out the Math/Maths Podcast. Link: Pulse Project
Until then,
This blog is property of Edward Shore. © 2012
A blog is that is all about mathematics and calculators, two of my passions in life.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Programs for HP 48S and What's Coming Up
RPN with HP 15C & DM32: Expanding Linear Regression
RPN with HP 15 C & DM32: Expanding Linear Regression “ Linearize” the Equation The linear regression mode of the HP 15C and ...