Friday, November 3, 2017

HP Prime: User Key: Building a list of Templates

HP Prime:  User Key:  Building a list of Templates


You can assign a custom menu to a user key.  The program TEMPLATES assigns a list of functions to the templates key (the key to the right of the Toolbox key, key 18 I believe). 

When this program is completed, you call the custom menu by pressing [Shift], [Help] (User), [template key]. 

Choose a function or command.  Whatever you choose will be inserted into the entry line.  This user key works in program editing as well.

HP Prime Program:  TEMPLATES

Note:  I do not have a main “TEMPLATES” program block.  In terms of making a custom menu like this, it is not necessary.

// a custom menu
// 2017 EWS

KEY K_Templ()
LOCAL str,lst,cst,ch;
// templates

// choose list


RETURN lst(ch);


This is one of my favorite programs because now I will be able to quickly access functions that would take additional keystrokes and with the App specific functions, dealing with dynamic menus.  I encourage this type of custom menu for other functions and commands you frequently use from the catalog.  Try it.  Please let me know how it goes.


This blog is property of Edward Shore, 2017.

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