Saturday, September 7, 2019

TI NSpire CX II: Animation Demo

TI NSpire CX II:  Animation Demo


This blog entry demonstrates the use of drawing commands from the TI Nspire CX II (and TI Nspire CX II CAS) to animate objects.  The main loop used in these animations used has the structure:

Local variables needed including coordinates
For coordinate 1, begin, end, step   
For coordinate 2, begin, end, step (if necessary)
SetColor red, green, blue
draw objects
Wait  seconds
EndFor (if a second for loop is used)

Demo 1:  Animation of a Circle Across the Screen

Define ani1()=
:© animate a circle across the screen part 1
:Local x
:SetWindow 0,10,0,10
:For x,1,9,2
:  UseBuffer 
:  Clear 
:© cherry red
:  SetColor 255,27,34
:  FillCircle x,9,2
:  PaintBuffer 
:  Wait 1

Demo 2:  Animation of a Circle Across and Down the Screen

Define ani2()=
:© 2019-07-29 EWS
:©  animate a circle
:Local x,y
:For y,10,190,20
:  For x,10,270,20
:    UseBuffer 
:    Clear 
:    SetColor 255,27,34
:    FillCircle x,y,20
:    PaintBuffer 
:    Wait 0.25
:  EndFor
:SetColor 0,0,0
:DrawText 10,10,"Done!"

Demo 3:  Animation of a Circle with Alternating Colors

Define ani3()=
:© 2019-07-29 EWS
:©  animate a circle
:Local x,y,flag
:For y,10,190,20
:  For x,10,270,20
:    UseBuffer 
:    Clear 
:    If flag=0 Then
:      SetColor 255,27,34
:      flag:=1
:    Else
:      SetColor 0,228,221
:      flag:=0
:    EndIf
:    FillCircle x,y,20
:    PaintBuffer 
:    Wait 0.175
:  EndFor
:SetColor 0,0,0
:DrawText 10,10,"Done!"

Demo 4:  Barbell Animation

Define ani4()=
:© barbell animation
:© 2019-07-30 EWS
:Local x,y,xc,yc,θ
:© radians mode
:For θ,0,8*π,((π)/(12))
:  UseBuffer 
:  Clear 
:© the bar
:  xc:=60*cos(θ)+159
:  yc:=60*sin(θ)+106
:  SetColor 48,48,48
:  DrawLine 159,106,xc,yc
:  SetColor 205,127,50
:  FillCircle xc,yc,15
:  SetColor 0,0,0
:  FillCircle 159,106,15
:  PaintBuffer 
:  Wait 0.15
:DrawText 0,25,"Done!"

Demo 5:  Bouncing Box Animation

Define ani5()=
:© bouncing box
:Local r,g,b,x,y,t,θ
:© use pixels
:© degrees
:© set initial angle
:For t,1,1000
:SetColor r,g,b
:FillRect x,y,10,10
:If x≥310 or x≤10 or y≥200 or y≤10 Then
: θ:=mod(θ+90,360)
:SetColor 0,15,96
:DrawPoly {10,10,310,310,10},{10,200,200,10,10}
: PaintBuffer 
: Wait 0.05

A copy of the tns document can be downloaded here:


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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