Sunday, April 26, 2020

Casio fx-CG 50: Shortcuts Study

Casio fx-CG 50: Shortcuts Study


When programming in calculators, sometimes it is useful to use alternate ways of accomplishing the task.  The alternate way could save keystrokes and memory, which can become important with older programming calculators and calculators where the number of steps available is about 150 or lower. 

Complex Number Functions

Some of the shortcut methods involves complex numbers and complex number operations, particular involving polar-rectangular conversions.

Below are the four common conversion calculations needed and alternate ways to accomplish them: 

√(x^2 + y^2) = abs(x + y ⅈ) = R>Pr(x,y) 

atan( y / x ) = arg(x + y ⅈ) = R>Pθ(x,y)**

r cos θ = real( r ∠ θ) = P>Rx(r,θ)

r sin θ = imag(r ∠ θ) = P>Ry(r,θ)

** The domain in the atan function is (-90°, 90°) while the arg (sometimes named atan2 and angle) and R>Pθ functions takes the (x,y) coordinates to account and the domain is (-180°, 180°).

Casio fx-CG50 Program: SHORTCUT

The program SHORTCUT illustrates six shortcut techniques regarding:

1.  Law of Cosines - Calculating the Third Side of a triangle

c = √(a^2 + b^2 - 2ab cos θ)
Complex Number Alternate: c = abs( real(a∠θ) - b + imag(a∠θ)*ⅈ )

2.  Rounding to the Nearest Integer

Alternate to the round function:  int( frac x + x 0

3.  √(1 - x^2),  |x| < 1

Trigonometric Alternate:  sin(acos x )

4.  x / √(1 + x^2),  any x

Trigonometric Alternate:  sin(atan x)

5.  √(a^2 + b^2 + c^2)

Complex Number Alternate:  abs(c + abs(a + b*ⅈ) * ⅈ)

6.  √(a^2 + 2*b^2)

Two Step Alternate (this is just one of many ways):
abs(a + b*ⅈ)
abs(b + ans*ⅈ)


Anything that follows // is a comment.  Don't type the comment in. 

a+bⅈ       // turn complex mode on
"BETTER PROG HP67/97"    // credit to source, slash character from CHAR menu
"EWS 2020-03-09"
"√(1-X^2)",3," X÷√(1+X^2)",4,"√(A^2+B^2+C^2)",5,"√(A^2+2*B^2)",6

Lbl 1
"√(A^2+B^2-2AB cos θ)"→Str 1
Exp(Str 1)→R            
"Abs(Rep(A∠θ)-B+Imp(A∠θ)ⅈ"→Str 2
Exp(Str 2)→S
Goto R

// Exp numerically evaluates a string 

Lbl 2
"RndFix(X,0)"→Str 1
// Exp(RndFix(a,b)) leads to an error message
"Int (Frac X+X)"→Str 2
Exp(Str 2)→S
Goto R

Lbl 3
"√(1-X^2) "→Str 1
Exp(Str 1)→R
"sin cos^-1 X"→Str 2
Exp(Str 2)→S
Goto R

Lbl 4
"X÷√(1+X^2)"→Str 1
Exp(Str 1)→R
"sin tan^-1 X"→Str 2
Exp(Str 2)→S
Goto R

Lbl 5
"√(A^2+B^2+C^2)"→Str 1
Exp(Str 1)→R
"Abs (C+Abs (B+A×ⅈ)×ⅈ)"→Str 2
Exp(Str 2)→S
Goto R

Lbl 6
"√(A^2+2B^2)"→Str 1
Exp(Str 1)→R
"Abs (A+Bⅈ):Abs (Ans+Bⅈ)"→Str 2
Exp(Str 2)→S
Goto R

Lbl R
Black Locate(1,1,Str 1)
Black Locate(1,2,R)
Blue Locate(1,4,Str 2)
Blue Locate(1,5,S)

//  If you are using a monochrome screen such as the Casio fx-9750gII or fx-9860gII, leave out the Black and Blue commands.

You can download the program file here (fx-CG 50, 696 bytes): 

William Kob, John Kennedy, Richard Nelson.  Better Programming On The HP-67/97 PPC 1978


All original content copyright, © 2011-2020.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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