Sunday, January 30, 2022

Older Financial Calculators: Using the TVM Solver for LN(x) and EXP(x)

Older Financial Calculators:  Using the TVM Solver for LN(x) and EXP(x) 

Background and the Mathematics

Older and even some modern financial calculators do not have logarithm and exponential functions (ln, e^x).   However, the time value of money keys can be used to find exponentials and logarithms, as first mentioned by Hewlett Packard's HP-80 Application Note 80-007 (see Source below).  

Note the time value of money equation below:

FV = PV × (1 + I÷100)^n


FV = future value  (Final)

PV = present value (1st Amt/Loan)

I = periodic interest rate (Int)

PMT = payment

n = number of payments (# pmts, term)

P/Y = 1   (set payments per year 1)

Let PV = 1.  Then:

FV = (1 + I÷100)^n

Let base = 1 + I÷100.  Then:

FV = base^n


log_base(FV) = n 

log FV ÷ log base = n

Time Value of Money Setup

n = exponent

I = (base - 1) × 100

PV = -1*

PMT = 0

FV = (1 + I÷100)^n

For logarithm, enter FV and solve for n.

For exponentials, enter n and solve for FV. 

e^x, ln x:   set I = 171.8281828...

10^x, log x:   set I = 900

b^x, log_b(x):  set I = (b - 1) × 100


e^5.86 ≈ 350.7228

n = 5.86

I = 171.828

PV = -1  (+1 for calculators that do not follow the cash flow convention)

PMT = 0

Solve for FV

ln(376) ≈ 5.9296

I = 171.828

PV = -1  (+1 for calculators that do not follow the cash flow convention)

PMT = 0

FV = 376

Solve for n


This is works well for most financial calculators such as HP-80, HP 12C Classic, TI Personal Brother, Casio FC-100, Calculated Industries Qualifier Plus III FX 3430, and the HP 17BII+.  However, on some calculators, such as HP 12C Platinum, round calculations for n, so logarithm calculations will not be accurate.  


Hewlett Packard.   HP-80 Application Notes:  Calculating Logs, Anti-Logs, And Roots of Numbers  No. 80-007.  December 10, 1973. 


All original content copyright, © 2011-2022.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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