Saturday, August 27, 2022

Lists in Numworks - Version 19.2

Lists in Numworks - Version 19.2


In Version 19,  lists were added as an object in the Numworks calculator.  We can define and name lists with any values that we want. Lists are designated by the brackets { }. 

*   The values can be real number, complex numbers, numbers with units, scientific constants, and combinations of those types.   What is not allowed in lists are strings and matrices.

*  The indexing of lists starts with 1.   We can call a list's elements by the parenthesis after the list name.  For example,  xlist(10) recalls the 10th element of the list xlist.

*  { f(k) }_k≤value generates a list of f(k) from k=1 to value, step 1.   The variable can be almost any variable you want, except e and i.  e is designated as the exponential constant (about 2.71828...) and i is designated as the imaginary number √-1.   The limits are strictly from 1 to value.

*  Once a user defined list is created, the individual values cannot be changed.   Furthermore, there are no augment or delete commands.  In this sense, user defined lists acts like tuples in Python.

*  Lists can be recalled in the Statistics and Regression apps.   The system named lists V#, X#, and Y# are updated accordingly.

* Defining a list of random values will always change the randomized values every time a user defined list is recalled.  

Please note that this is for Version 19.2.  

Screenshots are captured using the Numworks Emulator on July 10, 2022:

Note:  Casio fx-991EX Week - September 5, 2022 to September 9, 2022 


All original content copyright, © 2011-2022.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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