Sunday, November 5, 2023

Retro Review: Sharp PC-1248

Retro Review:  Sharp PC-1248

Quick Facts

Model:  PC-1248

Company:  Sharp

Years:  circa 1986, years of production unknown

Type:  Scientific, Pocket Computer

Power:  2 x CR-2032 batteries

Display:  1 line, 16 characters

Programming Language:  BASIC

Memory:  7,422 bytes

Program and Run

The Sharp PC-1248 is a credit card sized BASIC pocket computer, which is stored in a slip on hard case.  The screen is one line, containing up to 16 characters.  

There is one program space, allowing for line numbers from 1 to 999.   The range of commands are adequate for general mathematical applications.  

There are several peripherals available for PC-1248, including a printer and a cassette tape recorder to save and load programs.

Sharp also produced the PC-1246S pocket computer around the same time, only with memory capacity of 1,278 bytes.  

PC-1248 vs EL-5500 III

The PC-1248 operates similarly to the Sharp EL-5500 III pocket calculator; though it lacks the statistics mode and matrix operations.    I reviewed the EL-5500 III in 2017:

Keyboard:  It Could Have Been Better

To be honest, the keys are pretty hard to press.   I used a q-tip to press the keys at first when a soft-like stylus did not work.  However, the keys does have button under the keyboard.  This is the biggest complaint I have with the PC-1248.

Final Thoughts

I like the form factor of the PC-1248, and the command set is good for quick calculations on the run.   The computer is to the point, basic programming.   As I mentioned, the keys could have been better.   

Sample Programs for the PC-1248

Math Statement Builder: RUN 40


42 A = RND 21-1

44 B = RND 21-1

46 C = RND 21-1

48 D = A*B+C

50 PRINT A; "*"; B; "+''; C; "="; D:  END

Examples:  (results will vary)

4. * 3. + 7. = 19.

13. * 16. + 2. = 210.

2. * 8. + 3. = 19.

Net Present Value: RUN 60


62 INPUT "CF0:"; N, "RATE:"; I

64 J=1

66 INPUT "FLOW:"; F, "FREQ:"; K

68 FOR L=1 TO K: N=N+F/(1+I/100)^J: J=J+1


72 INPUT "MORE=1"; L

74 IF L=1 THEN 66

76 PRINT USING "########.##"; "NPV:"; N

78 END


CF0:  -5000

CF1:   3000, frequency 1

CF2:  6000, frequency 1

Rate: 3%

Result:  NPV = 3568.20

CF0: -5000

CF1: 500, frequency 12

CF2:  0, frequency 6

CF3:  1000, frequency 6

Rate:  2.95%

Result:  NPV = 3207.18 

Future Value:  Continuing Compound Interest:  RUN 110


112 INPUT "PV? "; P

114 INPUT "RATE? "; R:  R=R/100

116 INPUT "YEARS? "; T

118 F=P*EXP(R*T)

120 PRINT USING "########.##"; "FV = "; F

122 END


P = 5000, R = 5, T = 5.   Result:  F = 6420.12

P = 1000, R = 6, T = 20.  Result:  F = 3320.11


"The Sharp PC-1246 computer":

"The Sharp PC-1248 computer":

The pocket computer museum.   1999-2022.  

Retrieved October 12, 2023.  


All original content copyright, © 2011-2023.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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