Sunday, January 14, 2024

Swiss Micros DM32: Remote XEQ: Calling Program from Other State Files

Swiss Micros DM32:   Remote XEQ:  Calling Program from Other State Files

Required Firmware:  2.07 or later

The Swiss Micros DM32 is truly an enhanced HP 32SII, and some of the new features take this platform to the next level.   One of the newest features is the ability to call programs from other state files, which Swiss Micros calls Remote XEQ.  

What is a state file?  A state file is a calculator file that contains its set of programs, equations, variables, and settings.   Since the DM32, like the HP 32SII, has only have one letter label names, state files are the way to expand and organize lots of programs and equations without having to re-program the calculator every time.

Calling programs from other state files allow the use of programs from other available state files.  How do you know if a state file is available?  Press the fourth key from the left on the top row of keys.  There will be a list of available states loaded into calculator memory.   If the state file that you need isn't listed, select Load (second key from the left on the row of blank keys in the Available States menu) and load the required state file. 

As of Firmware 2.07, we can only execute remote labels in programs, not from the home screen.  

Using Remote XEQ in a Program

1.  Make sure your source state file is available. 

2.  In the program, press [ XEQ ] twice.   ( [ XEQ ] [ XEQ ])   You will be taken to a screen of available state files.

3.  Select the source state file.  In the Available States screen, use the plus [ + ] and minus [ - ] keys to scroll the cursor.  Press [ ENTER ].

4.  Insert the required label from the source file.   All variables in the remote execution are considered local.

Communication Note:   When you have a program that uses remote XEQ, be sure upload both the source and the current state files, and communicate that both files have to be available (active) to those you download your programs.  


Let's assume the following states are available:  demo.d32 and clean.d32.   The demo file is the source file containing the following program:


R02 1/x 

R03 x<>y

R04 1/x 

R05 +

R06 1/x 


This calculates 1/(1/x + 1/y).   

In the clean file, we can call program R from demo by:




(Press [ XEQ ] [ XEQ ], select demo from the list of available states, [ ENTER ] , R)


Now executing program A in the clean state will execute program R in the demo state.

In the demo state:

4 [ ENTER ] 9 [ XEQ ] R  returns 2.7692    (FIX 4 mode is set)

In the clean state:

4 [ ENTER ] 9 [ XEQ ] A  returns 2.7692    (FIX 4 mode is set)


SwissMicros GmbH  "DM32 User Manual"  v3.46b 2016-2023

I hope you find this new feature useful,


All original content copyright, © 2011-2024.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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