Sunday, March 17, 2024

Casio fx-9750GIII and fx-CG 50: Playing Games with the Probability Simulation Mode

Casio fx-9750GIII and fx-CG 50: Playing Games with the Probability Simulation Mode

The Probability Simulation add-in has six types of probability simulations:

* Coin Toss

* Dice Roll

* Spinner

* Marble Grab

* Card Draw

* Random Numbers

The add-in application is available for the following calculators:

* Casio fx-9750GIII and fx-9860GIII (and Graph 75/85/95 series, Graph 35+ E II)

* Casio fx-CG 10/20 and fx-CG 50 (and Graph 90+E)

* Casio fx-9860G

I believe on the fx-9750GIII and fx-9860GIII, the Probability Simulation Add-In is available out of the box. For others, the add-in can be downloaded through Casio’s Worldwide Education Website:

Let’s look at three ways we can use the Probability Simulation add-in in games of chance. This is a great app when you don’t have a pair of dice, playing cards, or a bag of marbles around.

In the Set Up menu, there is an option for seed from 1 to 99999.

Screen shots are from the fx-CG 50.

Interaction with Other Modes

* Data can be stored into global lists 1-26. Lists in these Casio calculators contain only numerical information. Numerical codes are used for card suits and face cards.

* There are no commands from the Add-In that can be used in programming. The simulation is mean to be a stand-alone app.

Drawing a Poker Hand

From the main screen, press F5 for Card Draw. To simulate poker, go into set up by pressing [SHIFT] {SET UP}. We can set either a 52 playing card deck, which is the standard deck without Jokers, or a reduced deck of 32 cards (sevens through Aces only). We don’t want Replacement, so turn that off. Press [ EXIT ] to go back to the simulation.

To draw a single card, press [ F1 ]. To draw multiple cards, press [ F2 ] for { +n }. At the prompt, press [AC/ON] and enter the number of cards.

We will have to memorize the cards or note the down on paper or another writing device.

To save the cards drawn, select [ F3 ] (STORE). There are three lists:

Draw: Draw number

Value: Card value. 1 = Ace, 11 = Jack, 12 = Queen, 13 = King

Suit: 1 = Heart, 2 = Club, 3 = Spade, 4 = Diamond

Lists can be allocated to the global list variables List 1 to List 26. Press [ F6 ] { EXE } to store the cards. Storing results works similarly in other applications.

Rolling Dice in Adventure Games

In adventure and fantasy games such as Dungeon and Dragons, sometimes dice beyond the standard six-sided die is needed. The Dice Roll (F2 from the Main Menu) has dice that are four-sided, six-sided, eight-sided, twelve-sided, and twenty-sided. Up to three dice can be thrown at once.

A Simple Lottery

Random integers from 0 to 99 can be drawn with the Random Numbers. Again, the set up menu is the key. For the lottery, turn the Repeat option off. Above are four draws from a simple lottery from 63 numbers.

This has been a look at Casio’s Probability Simulation Add-In. Until next time,


All original content copyright, © 2011-2024. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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