Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Casio fx-5800p: Histogram

Casio fx-5800p: Histogram

The program HISTOGRAM draws a histogram for up to four data points using the Locate command.  The screen of the fx-5800p has 16 columns and 4 rows.   

When all four data points that are 15 or less, including 0, the histogram is exact.  If any data point exceeds 15, an approximate histogram is drawn as all the data points are normalized.  (Go to work with the limitations of the fx-5800p).  

Variables Used:
Data points: A, B, C, D
Normalized (if needed) data points: E, F, G, H
Sum: S = A + B + C + D

The example (shown above) shows a histogram with A = 10, B = 12, C = 13, D = 5


"ENTER 4 PTS" ◢ 
"A"? → A : A → E
"B"? → B : B → F
"C"? → C: C → G
"D"? → D : D → H
A + B + C + D → S
If A > 15 Or B > 15 Or C > 15 Or D > 15
Intg(E ÷ S * 15)→ E
Intg(F ÷ S * 15)→ F
Intg(G ÷ S * 15)→ G
Intg(H ÷ S * 15)→ H
"READY" ◢ 
For 1 → I To E
Locate I, 1, "A"
For 1 → I To F
Locate I, 2, "B"
For 1 → I To G
Locate I, 3, "C"
For 1 → I To H
Locate I, 4, "D"

This blog is property of Edward Shore, 2016 

BA-54: Real Estate Programs

BA-54: Real Estate Programs BA-54:  Chris won this calculator at HHC 2024 and donated it to me.   Much appreciation as always.  ...