Sunday, October 21, 2018

HP 11C (and Emulator Apps): Thin Lens Analysis

HP 11C (and Emulator Apps):  Thin Lens Analysis

Given the distance from the object to the lens (U) and the focal distance (F), the program calculates object from the image from the lens (V) and magnification (M) of the image by the following equations:

V = 1 / (1/F - 1/U)
M = -V / U

HP 11C Program: Thin Lens Analysis

Note:  The keystrokes are also applicable for any HP 11C emulator apps. 

001 42, 21, 13 LBL C
002 15 1/x
003 34 x<>y
004 15 1/x
005 43, 36 LAST x
006 33 R↓
007 30 -
008 15 1/x
009 31 R/s
010 36 ENTER
011 16 CHS
012 43, 33 R↑
013 10 ÷
014 43, 32 RTN

To run:  enter U (object distance) then F (focal distance).  Then run label C ([ f ] [10^x] (C)).  The first result is V (image distance).  Press [R/S] to get M (magnification).

Example 1:
Input:  U = 0.24 ft, F = 0.16 ft
Output:  V = 0.4800 ft (R/S) M = -2.0000

Example 2:
Input: U = 1.5 ft, F = 0.8 ft
Output: V ≈ 1.7143 ft, M ≈ -1.1429


All original content copyright, © 2011-2018.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.  Please contact the author if you have questions.

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