Sunday, October 21, 2018

HP 11C (and Emulators): The Four Means

HP 11C (and Emulators):  The Four Means


The following program uses the statistical registers to calculate four types of mean:

Arithmetic Mean:  μ = Σx / n

Harmonic Mean:  HM = n / Σ(1/x)

Geometric Mean:  GM = (Πx) ^ (1/n)

Root Mean Square:  RMS = √(Σx^2 / n)

The HP 11C uses the following registers in statistical analysis.  Be sure to clear registers by pressing [ f ] [ x<>y ] (CLEAR REG) before beginning.  Also, after clearing the registers, store 1 in register 7 (R7).  

R0 = n
R1 = Σx
R2 = Σx^2
R3 = Σy
R4 = Σy^2
R5 = Σxy

LBL A:  Enter data
LBL B:  Analysis: μ [R/S], HM [R/S], GM [R/S], RMS

HP 11C Program: The Four Means

Don't forget to store 1 in R7 prior to running the program. 

001 42, 21, 11 LBL A
002 49 Σ+
003 43, 36 LAST x
004 44, 20, 7 STO× 7
005 15 1/x
006 44, 40, 6 STO+ 6
007 43, 32 RTN

008 42, 21, 12 LBL B
009 43, 0         x-bar 
010 32 R/S
011 45, 6         RCL 6
012 15 1/x
013 45, 0 RCL 0
014 20 *
015 31 R/S
016 45, 7         RCL 7
017 45, 0         RCL 0
018 15 1/x
019 14 y^x
020 31 R/S
021 45, 2         RCL 2
022 45, 0         RCL 0
023 10 ÷
024 11
025 43, 32 RTN

Sample set:  4.25, 4.08, 5.63, 6.13, 4.48, 7.02 ( 6 data points )


4.25 [ f ] [ √ ] (A)
4.08 [ f ] [ √ ] (A)
5.63 [ f ] [ √ ] (A)
6.13 [ f ] [ √ ] (A)
4.48 [ f ] [ √ ] (A)
7.02 [ f ] [ √ ] (A)

[ f ] [e^x] (B)   5.2650 (arithmetic mean, μ)
[R/S] 5.0556 (harmonic mean, HM)
[R/S] 5.1575 (geometric mean, GM)
[R/S] 5.3748 (root mean square, RMS)

All original content copyright, © 2011-2018.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.  Please contact the author if you have questions.

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