Friday, March 13, 2020

Casio fx-9860g and fx-CG 50: Psuedorandom Numbers

Casio fx-9860g and fx-CG 50:  Psuedorandom Numbers

Introduction:  Generating Random Integers

The program PSUEDORN generates random integers by using the recurring relationship:

R_n+1 = (R_n * A + C) mod M

where R_0 = S, the seed
A = multiplier
M = modulus
C = increment


List 5:  list of integers generated.  If the list cycles, then the numbers return and we don't have a good random sample.

List 6:  percentile list of 10 elements, which each element represents a 10 percentile.  The best parameters will have elements of List 6 of around 0.1 uniformly.

List 6 =
{ 0% - 10% tile, 10% - 20% tile, 20% - 30% tile, 30% - 40% tile, 40% - 50% tile,
50% - 60% tile, 60% - 70% tile, 70% - 80% tile, 80% - 90% tile, 90% - 100% tile}
(percentage of the population)

List 6 is a demonstration of the bucket test.

Casio fx-9860GII and fx-CG 50 Program PSUEDORN

"2020-02-24 EWS"
1 → Dim List 5
10 → Dim List 6
Intg(10R ÷ M)+1 → B
List 6[B] + 1 → List 6[B]
For 2 → I To T
Augment(List 5, {R}) → List 5
Intg(10R ÷ M) + 1 → B
List 6[B] + 1 → List 6[B]
Mean(List 5) ◢
List 6 ÷ Dim List 6 → List 6
List 6 ◢
List 5

Download the fx-9860gII and fx-9750gII version:

Download the fx-CG 50 and fx-CG 10/20 version:


Generate a list of psuedorandom integers from 0 to 8192 with seed 111 of sample size 25. 

r_n+1 = (3 * r_n + 4) mod (2^13 + 1)
Seed: 111

Multiplier: 3
Modulus:  2^13 + 1
Increment:  4
Sample Size:  25

Bucket Test (List 6):  { 0.2, 0.4, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4, 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3 }

List (List 5):
{ 0, 1015, 3049, 958, 2878, 445, 1339, 4021, 3874, 3433, 2110, 6334, 2620, 7864, 7210, 5248, 7555, 6283, 2467, 7405, 5833, 1117, 3355, 1876, 5632 }


All original content copyright, © 2011-2020.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

BA-54: Real Estate Programs

BA-54: Real Estate Programs BA-54:  Chris won this calculator at HHC 2024 and donated it to me.   Much appreciation as always.  ...