Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Puzzle and Games: Guess The Digit

Puzzle and Games:  Guess The Digit 

Here's a game that you can play with students or to sharpen your wits.   I will let you figure out the solution and how you tackle these puzzles is up to you.

Each of the blanks, ____, needs a digit, from 0 to 9.  One of the digits fills in all the blanks in the puzzle.

Have fun!

Easy Level: One Blank

Example:  ___2 + 15 = 47

The missing digit is 3, since 32 + 15 = 47

3___ + 50 = 82 9___ + 27 = 120

___8 + 36 = 94 40 + 5___ = 97

__0 + 82 = 112 ___9 + 33 = 52

5___ + 48 = 104 42 + 3___ = 78

28 + 7___ = 103 52__ + 33 = 559

1__4 + 37 = 221 380 + __7 = 437

Medium Level: Two Blanks

Example:  8___ + ___6 = 119

Answer:  3, since 83 + 36 = 119

5__  + ___8 = 80 ___6 + ___4 = 150

8__ + ___1 = 136 7___ + 3___ = 116

5___ + ___3 = 64 ___8 + ___7 = 55

4___ + ___3 = 98 8___ + 3___ = 124

___8 + 3__ = 137 1__5 + __3 = 248

__4__ + 88 = 330 __43 + __6 = 819

7__3 + 1__6 = 969 45___ + 5__6 = 956

3__8 + __62 = 480 45___ + __45 = 798

51__ + 36___ = 878 4__8 + 38__ = 810

Harder Level: Three Blanks

4__ + 5__ + __2 = 128 5__ + __6 + 3__ = 98

3__ + __4 + __7 = 146 8__ + __5 + __3 = 172

5__ + __3 + __ 5 = 226 4__ + 5___ + 6__ = 159

__4 + __7 + ___0 = 281 __50 + 3__ + 4__ = 732

__4__ + 50___ = 846 __3___ + __6 = 147

__8__ + 5__ = 742 51__ + __6__ = 876


All original content copyright, © 2011-2020.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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