Friday, March 27, 2020

Review: Victor 930-2 Scientific Calculator

Review:  Victor 930-2 Scientific Calculator

Quick Facts:

Model:  Victor 930-2
Company:  Victor
Type:  Scientific
Years:  2008 to present
Display:  10 digits
Batteries:  Solar with battery backup (LR43/LR1130)
Retail Price:  $17.99
Logic:  Algebraic, AOS
Number of Functions:  154

Product website from Victor:

Powerful One Line Calculator - The 21st Century Version of the TI-34

The Victor 930-2 calculator has the following features:

*  Trigonometric functions and their inverses
*  Rectangular/Polar Conversions
*  Degrees/Degree-Minute-Second Conversions
*  Logarithms, Power, Exponential
*  Single Variable Statistics
*  Base Conversions with Boolean Functions (AND, OR, XOR, XNOR, NOT)
*  Constant Calculations
*  Fractions

The keys have the same mapping as the original Texas Instruments (one line) TI-34 from the 1980s and 1990s.   There are some keys and functions that are labeled differently:

Victor 930-2:  [ X→M ],   TI-34:  [ STO ]
Victor 930-2:  [ M+ ], TI-34:  [ SUM ]
Victor 930-2:  [ X←→M ], TI-34:  [ EXC ]
Victor 930-2:  [ INV ],  TI-34:  [ 2nd ]
Victor 930-2:  [ DATA ], TI-34:  [ ∑+ ]
Victor 930-2:  [ DEL ], TI-34: [ ∑- ]

The Victor 930-2 has a bigger and clearer numeric display and an on-off switch. 

Constant calculations is something that might be an overlooked feature on some of these calculators, so let's take a look at how it works.  This applies to both the Victor 930-2 and the TI-34. 

Constant Calculations

For selected two argument functions, you can repeat the calculations on the second argument by entering different values and pressing the equals button [=]. 

A  (op)  B [ = ]
C [ = ]    ( C op B )
D [ = ]    ( D op B )

op:  +, -, ×, ÷, y^x, x√y, AND, OR

Example 1:
f(x) = x × π,  x = 4, 3, 3.8

4 [ × ] [ INV ] [ EXP ] (π) [ = ]
Result:  12.56637061

3 [ = ]   ×π is stored in memory
Result:  9.424777961

3.8 [ = ]
Result:  11.93805208

Example 2:
f(x) = x^2.5, x = π, 10.2, e

[ INV ] [ EXP ] (π) [ y^x ] 2.5 [ = ]
Result:  17.49341833

10.2 [ = ]     ^2.5 is stored in memory
Result:  332.2771137

1 [ INV ] [ LN ] (e^x) [ = ]
Result:  12.18249396

Example 3: 
B can be a multi-step in constant calculations.

f(x) = x ÷ (4^2 + 3), x = 10, 20, 50

10 [ ÷ ] [ ( ] 4 [ x^2 ] [ + ] 3 [ = ]
Result:  0.526315789

20 [ = ]    ÷(4^2 + 3) or ÷19 is stored in memory
Result:  1.052631579

50 [ = ]
Result:  2.631578947


You can enter fractions and calculate with fractions.  However, you can only convert between fractions and decimals if you start with fractions in your calculations.  The calculator has a limit of 10 digits between the whole part, numerator, and denominator. 


The keyboard is OK.  I like the contrast between the black background and the font better on the Victor 930-2. 

I am irked by the protective case, as it is difficult to take the hard shell case off once the calculator is locked in place.  I prefer the slide case of the TI-34.  I may not cover the 930-2 and use a case or the box to protect the calculator. 


If you are looking for a TI-34, consider the Victor 930-2 as it is an updated version.  It does the job.  Again, I wish the hard shell case was easier to work with. 


All original content copyright, © 2011-2020.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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