Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Some of My Favorite Websites to Visit

Here are some of my favorite mathematical websites to visit. 

Museum of HP Calculators (MoHPC)

This site contains a history of Hewlett Packard calculators and has a forum for calculator owners and mathematical enthusiasts.  The forum contains a software library for many of the HP programmable calculators, with threads dedicated to the HP 41C, HP 67, and the HP Prime.  The people on this forum are incredibly smart and very friendly.  

Wolfram Alpha

This is a dream website.  Here you can type almost any question regarding math, chemistry, physics, biology, and astronomy; and get straight forward answers about the subjects that you desire.   I often ask Wolfram Alpha for astronomical locations of planets, our sun, and our constellations. 

Wolfram Alpha also has a CAS engine which will compute indefinite integrals, expand polynomials, produce truth tables, factorize integrals, and much more.   Wolfram Alpha is also has apps available on iOS and Android for $2.99 - well worth the price.  


The web site, run by Christopher R. Mitchell, the author of "Using the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus" (a super book).  This website has technical news and forum for members.  I just recently joined the forum.  Cemetech primarily focuses on Texas Instruments calculators, but there is also a program archive for the Casio Prizm and the HP Prime. There are many developers that share their programs and user-made applications for the TI calculators on Cemetech. 


This website in is an online album of ever Texas Instruments calculators ever produced since the 1970s.  You can down manuals to classical TI calculators including a library for the TI-58/59 calculator.  


This site is an online album of any programming and graphing calculators of all the companies, not just the big three (TI, HP, Casio).  I can easily spend a few hours on this website.

If you need a place to find good programs for the HP 48, HP 28, HP 49, HP 50g, HP 39, and HP Prime, this is a good place to go.  This website is hosted by Eric Rechlin.

Tech Powered Math

This is an educational website that covers math and graphing calculators.  The website is run by Lucas Allen, author of “TI-Nspire Tutorials: The TI-nSpire for Beginners”.  

And a website that has nothing to do with calculators but with movies...


This is the official CinemaSins page, you may have seen the more familiar YouTube channel.  The CinemaSins counts all the quirks, mistakes, and funny coincidences of popular movies.  Jeremy Scott is the phenomenal narrator.  CinemaSins have expanded to count the sins of popular brands and music videos.  

So that is some of my favorite places to visit.  If these websites are new to you, I hope you check them out and enjoy them.  

Have a great day everyone!  Eddie

This blog is property of Edward Shore.  2015

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