Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First Look: Casio FC-200V Financial Calculator (Updated 4/6/2014)

Hi everyone! In tonight's blog entry we will look at the Casio FC-200V solar financial calculator. I purchased this calculator from Amazon on Super Saver shipper and it came one day earlier than scheduled. It is a rare calculator in terms that I believe it is the only financial calculator besides the Texas Instruments BA-35 Solar that is to be solar-powered. (I could be wrong and if I am feel free to let me know.)

Below is the picture of the calculator in it's packaging:

The packaging came with the calculator, a hard case with a cheat sheet, and three instruction manuals: one in Spanish, one in French, and one in English.


From the packaging, the FC-200V is said to have the following:

* SMPL (Simple Interest)
* CMPD (Compound Interest)
* CASH (Cash Flows: NPV, NFV, PBP, and IRR)**
* AMRT (Amortization)
* DPRC (Depreciation: SL, Fixed %, SYD, DB)
* Bonds
* BEVN (Break Even)
* DAYS (Days & Days Between Dates)
* COST (Cost Selling Margin)

Comparing the FC-200V against other financial calculators (I'll use the Hewlett Packard HP 10bII+ for comparison tonight - picture shown below), it seems that the FC-200V breaks away from the traditional financial calculator set up.

Time Value of Money
Most financial calculators sport five keys for using TVM (Time Value of Money) calculations:

N = number of periods
I/YR = yearly interest rate (some have I for periodic interest rate instead)
PV = present value
PMT = periodic payment
FV = future value

The FC-200V breaks away from this model and instead presents TVM calculations in two modules:
1. SMPL for Simple Interest
2. CMPD for Compound Interest


Pressing SMPL gives the following options:
Set: Toggle between 365 or 360 days a year
Days: Number of Days
I%: Annual Interest Rate
PV: Present Value

This mode solves for SI (Simple Interest) and SFV (Simple Future Value).

Note: All my examples, unless stated otherwise, use 365 days per year.

Example: If you deposit $900.00 in the bank today in an aggressive 90-day term CD that pays 5% a year, how much will you have in 90 days?

SMPL Mode:
Set: 365
Days = 90
I% = 5
PV = -900

SI = 11.10
SFV = 911.10

Traditional Set Up:
You could use the TVM keys, however, you answers match better if you use the formula:

SFV = -(PV + Days/365 * I%/100 * PV) (denominator can be 360)

This is the traditional TVM set up:
Set*: End or Beginning
n = Number of compounding periods
I% = Annual Interest Rate
PV = Present Value
PMT = Periodic Payment
FV = Future Value
P/Y = Number of payments per year (affects n)
C/Y = Number of compounding periods per year (affects interest) - set separately from P/Y

Use the SOLVE key to solve for the desired variable. Use the cash flow: inflows (receipts) are positive, outflows (disbursements) are negative.

FC-200V vs. HP 10bII+

Example 1: Solving for Payment - END Mode
N = 48, I%YR = 9%, PV = 60,000, FV = 0, P/Y = C/Y = 12

PMT = -1,493.10 (HP 10bII+ is instant, beating out FC-200V by a microsecond)

Example 2: Solving for Interest - END Mode
N = 60, PV = -10,000, PMT = -250, FV = 30,000, P/Y = C/Y = 12

I%YR = 5.15% (The HP 10bii+ being operated by battery only, returns this result instantly. However, the FC-200V returns the result within 3 seconds, so it is not a slow poke - not bad for a solar calculator)
Cash Flow**

The FC-200V stores up to 80 single cash flows, or 40 when frequency is involved. By contrast, the HP 10bII+ can store up to 45 cash flows.

Like the HP10bII+, the FC-200V can solve for NPV (Net Present Value), NFV (Net Future Value), and IRR (Internal Rate of Return). The FC-200V also solves for PBP (Payback Period).

Cash Flows for a 5 year project:
Initial Investment (x1): -$35,000
Year 1 (x2): $10,000
Year 2 (x3): $12,000
Year 3 (x4): $16,600
Year 4 (x5): $17,500
Year 5 (x6): $24,100

Use a discount rate of 10%

To enter cash flows, hit the [CASH] key and select Csh row. It will take you to the stats screen. Yes, the FC-200V shares the statistic list with the cash flow list.

NPV = $23,397.03
NFV = $37,681.15
IRR (takes a few seconds on the FC-200V) = 29.96%

** On the HP 10bii+: don't forget rate goes I/YR and P/YR = 1

<hr>UPDATE:  4/6/2014

It doesn't look like the FC-200V can handle certain types of cash flow problems correctly.  We run into trouble when at least one flow CFn has the same sign as the initial flow (designated as CF1 on the FC-200V).  Please see the comments below for examples. 

Hence, if you are looking for a reliable cash flow function, pass on the FC-200V. 

I apologize for any inconvenience. - Eddie 


Other Features
CNVR: Convert between EFF (effective) and APR (nominal percentages) with compounding

n: Payments per year
I%: Interest to be converted, select to EFF or to APR

The [COMP] key returns you to the home screen.

COST: Cost-Sell-Margin

DAYS: Days between dates using 360 day years or 365 day years. Use the format for dates: mmddyyyy (USA) or ddmmyyyy (International) (no decimal point)

Bonds and Depreciation

An Expansive Breakeven Module, including Degree of Operating Leverage, Degree of Financial Leverage, Degree of Combined Leverage, and Margin of Safety


The FC-200V has the same statistical regressions of its scientific sisters fx-115ES and fx-300ES: linear, logarithmic, two types of exponential, power, inverse, quadratic.

Scientific Functions

On recent financial calculators, there has been a growing number of scientific functions. The FC-200V is no exception. Trigonometry (inverse functions have to be accessed by the catalog), polar and rectangular conversions (via the catalog), powers, roots (real numbers only), logarithms, exponentials, hyperbolic functions (via the catalog), and random numbers. No normal distribution functions though. However, room for two shortcuts and formula memories.

I will looking through the manual over the next week. This is just a quick overview of the FC-200V.

Thanks for reading!

This blog is property of Edward Shore. © 2012

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