Monday, August 13, 2012

Applications and Programming: Rotation of a Graph

Rotation of a Function - TI-84+

The following program rotates the function y1(x) at an angle θ. The angle θ is measured counterclockwise, with θ = 0 indicating due east (positive x direction).

Let the coordinates (x', y') be e new coordinates after rotating the original coordiante, (x, y) at an angle θ. Then (x', y') can be calculated by the following equations:

x' = x cos θ - y sin θ
y' = x sin θ + y cos θ

The rotated coordinates are compiled into two lists: one for x', and the other for y'. A stat plot is made of the resulting lists.

Steps (TI-84+):

1. Store Y1. Two ways to do this:
* Press Y=, then edit Y1, or
* Type the function in quotes and store it in the variable Y1.

2. Run ROTATEY1 (see below). The original Y1 is graphed along its rotated sibling.

Two screen shots of examples are shown below. Have fun,


This blog is property of Edward Shore. © 2012

Program ROTATEY1 - TI-84+

: Func
: FnOff
: PlotsOff
: FnOn 1
: PlotsOn 1
: Radian
: Input "θ:", θ
: Xmin → X
: {X cos( θ ) - Y1 sin(θ → L1
: {X sin( θ ) - Y1 cos(θ → L2
: 1→ C
: For(K,Xmin,Xmax - ΔX, ΔX)
: K + ΔX → X
: augment(L1, {X cos( θ ) - Y1 sin(θ → L1
: augment(L2, {X sin( θ ) - Y1 cos(θ → L2
: C + 1 → C
: ClrHome
: Output(1,1,"PROGRESS:
: Output(2,1,"round(100C/95,2
: End
: Plot(Scatter,L1,L2, square or marker of your choice
: DispGraph

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