Monday, April 1, 2013

TI-84+ Color Silver Edition vs Casio Prizm Color Command Comparison

Hello everyone! Is it April already? I could swear 2013 just started.

This is just a comparison between two graphing calculators: TI-84+ Color Silver Edition (TI-84+ CSE) vs Casio Prizm (fx-CG 10/20) Color Command Comparison. I own one of both models (no joke!) and enjoy using them. But it's fun to compare the two - even if it is out of pure curiosity.

Year of first release:
Casio Prizm: 2011
TI-84+ CSE: 2013

Colors Available:

Casio Prizm, 8 colors: Black, Blue, Red, Magenta, Green, Cyan, Yellow, White

TI-84+ CSE, 15 colors: Blue, Red, Black, Magenta, Green, Orange, Brown, Navy, Light Blue, Yellow, White, Light Gray, Medium Gray, Gray, Dark Gray

How to access the colors:
Casio Prizm: [SHIFT] [ 5 ] (FORMAT)
TI-84+ CSE: Either the last sub-menu of the VARS menu or if you are in program editing mode, the third sub-menu of the PRGM menu

Here are some of the programming commands that use color:

Output Text - Terminal/Home Screen:
Casio Prizm:
color "Text" (◢ if desired)
color Locate row, col, "text"


Text on the Graph Screen:
Casio Prizm: 187 × 379
color Text row, column, "text"/expression

TI-84+ CSE: 265 × 165
Text(row, column, "text"/expression)

Drawing Lines: (Points)
Casio Prizm:
Plot/Line-Color color
FLine x1, y1, x2, y2

TI-84+ CSE

Drawing Circles: point (x,y) with radius r
Casio Prizm:
color Circle x,y,r

TI-84+ CSE:

Plotting Functions
Casio Prizm:
"f(X)"→Y# (Y from the VARS GRAPH menu)
Set-G Color color, #

TI-84+ CSE:
"f(X)" → Y# (Y from the VARS Y-VARS menu)
GraphColor(#, color)

Happy programming and graphing!


This blog is property of Edward Shore. 2013

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