Friday, August 30, 2013

BA-20 Profit Manager

Greetings from Friends Cafè. In Monrovia, CA! My favorite place to hang out on Friday nights.

I doubt we see these in office stores anymore: the Texas Instruments BA-20 Profit Manager. I purchased this while visiting the Claremont Colleges Bookstore, after another visit to the Honnold/Mudd Library.

In what otherwise would be a desktop calculator, the BA-20 features Cost-Sell-Margin. To get around the need for a "compute" key that TI's flagship business calculator, BA-II Plus, the BA-20 has three dedicated columns of two keys: two keys for entering known values, the third is calculated for automatically.

Until next time, got to get to eating!


This blog is property of Edward Shore. 2013

TI 84 Plus CE: Consolidated Debts

TI 84 Plus CE: Consolidated Debts   Disclaimer: This blog is for informational and academic purposes only. Financial decisions are your ...