Thursday, October 10, 2013

Jeppesen E68 Wind Easy Computer

This past Sunday at the Pasadena City College Swap Meet, I found and bought a Jeppensen E6B Wind-Easy Computer. In reality, the E6B-2A is a slide rule specialized for aviation. The box may have not been in the best shape, how every he slide rule, its metal insert, instruction manual, and carrying pouch are all in great condition.

The E6B-2A has two sides: a calculator side and a wind side.

Though my schedule has not allowed me much time to work with the E6B-2A, from the manual each of the two sides of the slide rule allows for specific calculations.

Calculator Side:
* Computation of speed, distance, and time
* Distance conversions: kilometers, miles, and nautical miles, which each of the measuring guides marked on the outside scale.
* Altitude Calculations: Density and True Altitude
* True Air Speed
* Mach Speed
* Slide rule, where the outer and inner scales act as scales C and D, respectively.

Wind Side:
* Calculations involving the "wind triangle", made up of the wind vector, ground vector, and air vector.
* Using the wind charts to plot true speed and course.

I have never owned a slide rule like this before, very interesting and unique - and something to carve out some time to learn. Very cool item!


This blog is property of Edward Shore. 2013


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