Tuesday, December 17, 2013

HP Prime: CAS Commands in Home Mode

(Common) CAS Commands in Home Mode
(udpated 4/17/2014)

Two things to aware of:

1. Any command from the CAS mode to be used in the Home Mode, regardless of entry, must have a "CAS." prefix. Examples include CAS.diff, CAS.simplify, etc.
2. Algebraic (symbolic) objects need single quotes surrounding them. They can be called by pressing Shift+Parenthesis Key ().
3. Not all CAS commands work as expected in Home and Programming. My focus is on the Home mode.

Simplify: CAS, 1, 1

Non-RPN: CAS.simplify('expression')
RPN: Not recommended - as it will numerically evaluate the expression

Expand: CAS, 1, 3

Syntax: CAS.expand('expression')
RPN: Not recommended - as it will numerically evaluate the expression

Example: CAS.expand('(X+3)^2') returns X^2+6*X+9

There are two commands for factoring:

Polynomial: CAS.Factor: CAS, 1, 4
Non-RPN Syntax: CAS.factor('expression')
Example: CAS.Factor('X^2-5*X+4') returns (X-4)*(X-1)

Integer: CAS.ifactor: CAS, 5, 2
Non-RPN Syntax: CAS.ifactor(integer)
Example: CAS.ifactor(186) returns 2*3*31

RPN Syntax:
1: integer
CAS.ifactor(1), press Enter

Differentiation: CAS, 2, 1
Non-RPN Syntax: CAS.diff('expression')

Simplification may be needed. So call up CAS.simplify, put up single quotes using Shift+Parenthesis Key, key up to the expression, press Copy (soft key), then press Enter

CAS.diff('COS(X)*SIN(X)') returns -SIN(X)*SIN(X)+COS(X)*COS(X)
CAS.simplify('-SIN(X)*SIN(X)+COS(X)*COS(X)') returns 2*COS(X)^2-1

RPN Syntax:
1: 'f(X)'
CAS.diff(1), press Enter

Update (4/17/2014):  If the above does not work, try this syntax:

CAS.diff('expression', 'variable')  

Example:  CAS.diff('COS(X)*SIN(X)', 'X') returns  -SIN(X)*SIN(X)+COS(X)*COS(X)

2:  'expression'
1:  'variable'
CAS.diff(2), press enter

Integration: CAS, 2, 2
Non-RPN Syntax: CAS.int('expression')

Simplification may be needed. So call up CAS.simplify, put up single quotes using Shift+Parenthesis Key, key up to the expression, press Copy (soft key), then press Enter

CAS.int('2*e^(4*X)') returns 2*e^(4*X)/4
CAS.simplify('2*e^(4*X)/4') returns e^(4*X)/2

Not recommended for RPN Entry

Update (4/17/2014):  If the above syntax does not work, try:

CAS.int('expression', 'variable')

CAS.int('2*X*e^(4*X)','X') returns 2*(4*X-1)/16*e^(4*X)
CAS.simplify('2*(4*X-1)/16*e^(4*X)') returns (4*X*e^(4*X) - e^(4*X))/8

Summation (Σ): CAS, 2, 5
Non-RPN Syntax: CAS.sum('expression', 'variable', start, end)
Example: CAS.sum('N^3','N',1,9) returns 2025

RPN Syntax:
4: 'expression'
3: 'variable'
2: start
1: end
CAS.sum(4) press Enter

Note: Start and End must be numerical limits.


I recommend zeros and cZeros, not solve and cSolve. The syntax is pretty much the same.

zeros: CAS, 3, 2
cZeros: CAS, 3, 4

If the equation is f(X) and we are solving for X:

Non-RPN Syntax: CAS.zeros('f(X)')

RPN Syntax:
1: 'f(X)'
CAS.zeros(1), press Enter

CAS.zeros('X^3-6') returns [1.81712059283]

If you are solving for variables other than X:

Non-RPN Syntax: CAS.zeros('expression', 'variable')

RPN Syntax:
2: 'expression'
1: 'variable'
CAS.zeros(2), press Enter

Got to include the variable!

CAS.zeros('R^3-6') returns [].
CAS.zeros('R^3-6','R') returns [1.81712059293]

Hope this helps and we will cover more of this subject in the future.


This blog is property of Edward Shore. 2013

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