Friday, August 26, 2016

TI-Nspire CX Update 4.3

TI-Nspire CX Update 4.3

Texas Instruments just released an upgrade to their Nspire CX operating system.  This for both the handhelds (CX and CX CAS) and the iOS app. 

For the handhelds, you can either upgrade the calculators through the TI-Nspire Student software (either it came with your nSpire or you have to purchase it) or the TI-Nspire Computer Link (free).  I ended up using the latter option since it was a long time since I used my Nspire and the software was installed on a former laptop.  

Link to the Connectivity software and Operating system:

For those with the iOS app, we don't have to worry since updates to apps happen automatically (or as executed though the App Store app). 

All screen shots are from the iOS app. 

Notable New Features:

Automatic Sliders when adding Functions

When you enter new a function, you can add sliders for unknown variables. For example, if we add the function f(x) = a*x + b, sliders will be added for a and b, provided that a and b are not previously defined. 

Graphing Inequalities 

A new type of graph that can be added is the relation on any Graphs, Geometry, and ScratchPad page. This will allow us to graph inequalities. The example below is a graph of 5*x*y > x^2 + y^2.  

Caution: this is limited to conic sections, simple relations, or relations in form of x=g(y) or y=f(x).  Hence it is not a full implicit graphing mode.  See the error box below.  

Math Actions Menu - Calculator And Scratchpad page

Expressions that are highlighted can give you tailored options for the highlighted expression.  On the iOS app, the Actions menu should pop up automatically.  On the handhelds, call up the context menu by pressing [ctrl], [menu].  The options under the Math Actions vary.  Depending on the action you choose, you will prompted by a menu. 

The example below shows two actions for the algebraic expression x^2 + 5*x + 6:  Try to Factor and Complete the Square.  Other Math Actions include factoring integers and finding the roots of an algebraic expression. 

Graph Relations from the Calculator page

Included in the updated context menu is the Graph option when the relation is typed in Home page is highlighted.  If the graph option is selected, the screen is split between the calculation and graph screen. 

For example, y = 2*x + ln(0.2 * e^(X+1)) is plotted from the calculator page. 

New Hub Menu in the Program Editor 

To accommodate Texas Instruments TI-Innovator Hub, a new set of commands are added to the program editor to facilitate communication between the TI-Nspire and the Hub.  

That is some of the highlights of the TI-NSpire  update.  Until next time,


Can you believe we are less than one week away from September?  How did 2016 fly by so fast?

This blog is property of Edward Shore, 2016 

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