Saturday, April 4, 2020

Retro Review: Canon Palm Printer P1-DH V

Retro Review:  Canon Palm Printer P1-DH V

Quick Facts:

Model:  Palm Printer P1-DH DV
Company:  Canon
Type:  Printing
Years:   I think this model is around 2016, not sure, I got this from a search on Amazon.  The current version is P1-DH V3
Display:  12 digits
Batteries:  4 AAA Battery and/or AC Adapter AD-380
Original Retail Price:  about $30.00 to $35.00
Logic:  Chain

This review is on an older model P1-DH DV.  I think the current version at the time of this post is the P1-DH DV3. 

I will focus my review on the keyboard and features only, not on the printing features. 

The calculator will operate on AC power alone, without batteries, which I like. 

Unlike most printing calculators, the P1-DH V operates as a four-function Chain calculator instead of an adding machine.  For example:  to add 2, 7, and 11, type:

2 [ + ] 7 [ + ] 11 [ = ]

Result: 20


This is a standard printing calculator that has the following features:

*  Decimal Point Selectors:  F (float, no indicator), 0, 2, 3, 4, A (add mode).  The mode is changed by the key [DEC].   Float is the default mode. 

*  Rounding/Truncate Toggle:  toggle between rounding and truncate with the [5/4] key.  When the 5/4 is on, the calculator is on rounding mode.  Note that this setting has no affect on results on when the decimal point selector is set to Float.


Float Mode:
1 [ ÷ ] 6 [ = ] returns 0.16 666 666 666

2 Decimal Place Mode:  (2 indicator)
5/4 on (Rounding mode):  1 [ ÷ ] 6 [ = ] returns 0.17
5/4 off (Truncate mode):  1 [ ÷ ] 6 [ = ] returns 0.16

*  One memory register is available, with sum and difference.   When [ M+ = ] is pressed, the calculation is completed and is added to the memory register.   When [ M- = ] is pressed, the calculation is completed and is subtracted from the memory register.


1000 * 298 + 928 * 172 - 442 * 180

[ RM/CM ] until memory is cleared
1000 [ × ] 298 [ M+ = ]
928 [ × ] 172 [ M+ = ]
442 [ × ] 180 [ M- = ]
[ RM/CM ]
Result:  378,056

*  Time Calculations:  You can enter hours-minutes for calculations in either AM/PM or 2400 hour format by using the [TIME CAL] key.  You know the calculator is ready to accept hours-minutes when the screen shows 00:00.  In AM/PM mode, switch between AM/PM by use the [TIME CAL AM/PM] button.  To calculate the difference between times, the required key is the key with the tilde mark on it.  ( [ ~ ] )

Example:  What time has passed between 23:17 and 11:16?  (2400 hours)

[TIME CAL] [TIME CAL] (00:00 without an AM/PM indicator means 2400 hours):
2 3 1 7 [ ~ ]
1 1 1 6 [ = ]

11:59 (11 hours, 59 minutes)

* Cost/Sell/Margin and Sales Tax Calculation.  See the next section.

The [ B ← → T ] Key

The [ B ←→ T ] rules what functions the blue keys execute on the P1-DH V. 

Indicator T:  Tax Mode (Default mode)

[ TAX+ ]:  Add tax using the rate stored
[ TAX- ]:  Subtract tax using the rate stored
[ RATE ]:  Press this key to enter the tax rate (RATE will be blinking), press [ RATE ] again to finish

Indicator B:  Business Mode

[ COST ]:  Cost
[ SELL ]:  Sell
[ MARGIN ]:  Margin

Enter any of the two values, the third is automatically calculated.

Sell = $29.95,  Margin = 8%

[ B ←→ T ] until B appears
29.95 [ SELL ] (SELL flashes)
8 [ MARGIN ]

Result:  27.55 (COST indicator)


The keyboard is nice and light.  The keys are rubber and very responsive.  The key response and register is great.  My hands are a little too big but it is possible to speed calculate on the Palm Printer. 

I like the screen but I wish the indicators were bigger, as they are too tiny for my preference.  Just make sure you triple check which mode you are in.  This model I purchased in December 2019 at a Revivals Store in Palm Springs. 


All original content copyright, © 2011-2020.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

BA-54: Real Estate Programs

BA-54: Real Estate Programs BA-54:  Chris won this calculator at HHC 2024 and donated it to me.   Much appreciation as always.  ...