Saturday, November 16, 2024

Spotlight: Casio DF-320TM

Spotlight: Casio DF-320TM

Just the Facts

Model: DF-320TM

Company: Casio

Type: Desktop

Number of Digits: 12

Display: 3 lines

Power: Solar plus backup battery, LR 44

Years of Production: My guess is somewhere in the 2000s

Sales tax calculation

Exchange rate calculation

Time calculation example

Several months ago, I found this calculator at a thrift shop in Montclair, California for a $1.35 (after discount). The DF-320TM is a nice desktop calculator with three lines. The top two lines are used for specific purposes, while the bottom on line has general calculation and results on the third line.


The features of the DF-320 TM include:

* 12 digit display. For those of us working with large numbers, the extra digits are nice.

* Two slide settings that are found on desktop calculators: rounding and the fixed decimal settings. Add mode is available for those who are proficient with adding machines or those who like working with dollars and cents without having to enter the decimal point.

* Cost/Sell/Markup calculation

* Sales tax and discount

* Exchange rate calculations between two currencies

* An [ H/M/S ] button which allows for hours-minutes-seconds calculation.

* Tracking of grand total every time when the equals key ( [ = ] ) is pressed. The grand total is retrieved by pressing the [ GT ] key.

* Determining change with the [ CHANGE CAL ] button.

All examples have the following setting: 5/4 rounding fixed to 2 decimal places.


The three keys, [ COST ], [ SELL ], and [ MAR ] (MAR for Markup) solve cost-sell-markup problems. Entries are made on the top screen and solving for the third variable occurs automatically.


1200 [ COST ] 12 [ MAR ]


COST> 1,200.00

MAR> 12.00%

= 1,363.64 (selling price)

Setting Tax and Exchange Rates

The DF-320TM employs the traditional way to set tax rate and currency exchange rate.

1. Start by pressing and holding [ AC ] and [ % ] until the screen reappears with the SET indicator.

2a. For the tax rate: Press [ TAX+ ], enter the tax rate, then press the [ % ]/

2b. For the currency rate: Press [ C2/EX RATE ]. Symbols such as $, €, £, A, B appear on the top left hand display as such: £ → $. Cycle through the symbols by pressing the [ + ] (↓RATES) key. Type in the rate and press [ % ]. You can view the rates going both ways by pressing the [ - ] key in this mode.

3. Press [ AC ] to return to normal calculator mode.

Example: $1 is converted to € 0.9027

Hold [ AC ] and [ % ] until SET appears. Press [ C2 ]. Press [ + ] until $ → € appears.

Enter 0.9027 and press [ AC ]. In this setting $ belongs to C1 and € belongs to C2.

$15 converted to Euros: 15 [ C2 ]. Display:

$ 15

RATE > 0.9027

€ 13.54

€200 to U.S. Dollars: 200 [ C1 ]. Display:

€ 200

RATE > 1.10778774786

$ 221.56

The three line display in used in a similar structure with tax calculations.

Change Calculation

The [ CHANGE CAL ] is used for change calculations, after a calculation is completed with the equals key [ = ]. I discovered this function by accident because the manuals I could find online did not give a thorough description of the function.

< calculation > [ = ] amount [ CHANGE CAL ]

Example 1:

Three items are priced 13.84, 17.01, and 19.99 are purchased. Assume that sales taxes are included in the price. You gave the cashier 100.

[ AC ] 13.84 [ + ] 17.01 [ + ] 19.99 [ = ]


GT = 50.84

100 [ CHANGE CAL ]


PRICE> 50.84

PAYMENT> 100.00

GT = 49.16

(Change: 49.16)

Example 2:

Three items are priced 11.95, 9.95, and 31.85. Sales tax is 9%. You give the cashier 100.

Press [ AC ] and [ % ] until SET appears. [ TAX + ] 9 [ % ]

[ AC ] 11.95 [ + ] 9.95 [ + ] 31. 85 [ = ]


GT 53.75

[ TAX+ ]


TAX 4.84


T + GT 58.59

[ = ]


GT 58.59

100 [ CHANGE CAL ]


PRICE> 58.59

PAYMENT> 100.00

GT = 41.41

(Change: 41.41)

That is the Casio DF-320 TM in a nutshell. I understand that several calculators with the change calculation are or were sold in Asia, if memory serves me correctly.

Until next time,


All original content copyright, © 2011-2024. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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