Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Retro Review: TI-30 Stat

Retro Review: TI-30 Stat

Special thanks to Jon Neal, he has made my reunion with the TI-30 Stat possible.  This calculator was one of the first scientific calculators I ever used.  I owned a TI-30 Stat in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  The manual survives all this time. 

Quick Facts

Company: Texas Instruments
Type: Scientific
Battery:  2 x LR-44
Operating System: AOS
Number of Functions: 54
Years: 1985 - 1993, went through a number of revisions (Datamath)
Memory Registers: 1


The TI-30 Stat is a basic, entry level scientific calculator.  You have the trigonometric functions and their inverses, logarithmic functions and their inverses, the reciprocal, powers and roots, percent arithmetic, and basic one variable statistics.  Missing from other TI-30 models are polar/rectangular conversions, degree/degree-minute-second conversions, and angular conversions.  So we are talking bare basic here, but the fundamental functions are here so a wide range of scientific calculations can be tackled. 

The display is a one line display holding up to 8 digits, or a 5 digit mantissa/2 digit exponent of power of 10.  Numbers go range between -9.9999 × 10^99 to 9.9999 x 10^99.  If you are in sceintific notation and the exponent is between -07 to 07, you can cancel scientific notation display by pressing [2nd] [EE] (EE).


The TI-30 Stat has only one memory, but has two dedicated storage operations:

[SUM]:  adds the number in the display to the memory register, basically M+

[EXC]:  recalls the memory register while replavcong the contents of memory of what you had in the display.  Example:  5 [EXC] stores 5 in the memory while recalling what the memory register previously had

Clearing the memory register is as simple as: 0 [STO]

Let's Talk about K

There is a long standing feature on Texas Instruments non-graphing scientific calculators:  the constant key, [ K ]. 

For the TI-30 Stat, the constant key allows you to store a constant with an operation.  This allows for rapid calculations with repetitive calculations with just an entry and the equals key.  The order of the keystrokes can be not so intuitive at first. 

N [ + ] [ K ]:  adds N to each subsequent entry (A + N, B + N, etc)

N [ - ] [ K ]:  subtracts N from each subsequent entry (A - N, B - N, etc)

N [ x ] [ K ]:  multiplies N to each subsequent entry (A * N, B * N, etc)

N [ ÷ ] [ K ]:  divides each subsequent entry by N (A/N, B/N, etc)

N [ y^x ] [ K ]:  power (A^N, B^N, etc)

N [ x√y ] [ K ]:  roots (A^(1/N), B^(1/N), etc)


The statistics mode is very basic:  mean, standard deviation (σn-1), and population deviation (σn).  


This is a basic calculator, similar to the TI-30 SLR+. The manual is well written and the TI-30 Stat is good for quick calculations.  The keyboard is good and responsive.  If you are looking for entry level, this may be an option.


This blog is property of Edward Shore, 2018. 

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