Friday, May 11, 2018

Fun with the Sharp EL-5500 III (May 2018 Edition)

Fun with the Sharp EL-5500 III   (May 2018 Edition)

The EL-5500 III is one of my favorite pocket programming device, small, portable, and has my favorite programming language: BASIC. 

Let’s get started.

Note:  Substitute line numbers with labels that you find fit.  Add defined labels to the first line if you would like.  Labels can come from the bottom two rows of the QWERTY keyboard (A row and Z row).

Comments are followed by double slashes (//), they are not typed.

Sharp EL-5500 III Program:  Net Present Value

4  CLEAR    // clears all the variables
6  INPUT “CF0:”; N, “RATE:”; I
8  J = 1
10 INPUT “FLOW:”; F, “FREQ:”; K
12 FOR L=1 TO K: N = N + F/(1 + I/100)^J: J = J+1
16 INPUT “MORE=1: “; L   // enter 1 to enter more cash flows, anything else to end entry
18 PRINT USING “#############.##”; “NPV: “; N
20 END


CF0:  -7,000,  Interest Rate:  8%
Flow 1:  2,000, Freq 1: 1  (enter 1 for MORE)
Flow 2:  1,500, Freq 2: 2  (enter 1 for MORE)
Flow 3:  2,500, Freq 3: 2  (we are at the end, enter anything other than 1 at MORE)

NPV:  2443.06

Sharp EL-5500 III Program: Synthetic Division

2 PAUSE “Synthetic Division”: CLEAR
4 PRINT “P(X)/(X – R)”: WAIT 59   // WAIT 59 is about 1 second
8 DIM P(N): DIM Q(N)
10 FOR I=1 TO N
14 INPUT P(I): Q(I) = P(I)
16 NEXT I   // there is no line 18
20 INPUT “R:”; R
22 FOR I=0 TO N-1
24 Q(I+1) = R*Q(I) + P(I+1)
28 E = Q(N)
30 PRINT “Q(X) = “
32 FOR I=0 TO N-1
34 PRINT Q(I); “X^”; N-I-1
36 WAIT 150  // about 2.5 seconds
40 PRINT “+”; E; “/(X-“; R; “)”: END

Example:  (x^4 – 2*x^3 + 1) / (x – 1)
Degree: 4
Coefficients:  1, -2, 0, 0, 1
R: 1

Result: 1, -1, -1, -1, no remainder
x^3 – x^2 – x – x

Sharp EL-5500 III Program: Vector Basics

Cross product, dot product, norm of two vectors, angle between two vectors

2 PAUSE “Vector Basics”
4 INPUT “X1:”; X1, “Y1:”; Y1, “Z1:”; Z1  \\ vector 1
6 INPUT “X2:’; X2, “Y2:”; Y2, “Z2:”, Z2  \\ vector 2
8 C1 = Y1*Z2 – Y2*Z1: C2 = -X1*Z2 + X2*Z1: C3 = X1*Y2 – X2*Y1  // cross product
10 D = X1*X2 + Y1*Y2 + Z1*Z2  \\ dot product
12 N1 = √(SQU X1 + SQU Y1 + SQU Z1): N2 = √(SQU X2 + SQU Y2 + SQU Z2)  // norm, SQU is the x^2 key
16 A = ACS( D/(N1*N2))  // angle between vectors, ACS is ACOS
18 PRINT “CROSS X: ”; C1
20 PRINT “CROSS Y: ”; C2
22 PRINT “CROSS Z: ”; C3
24 PRINT “DOT: ”; D
26 PRINT “NORM V1: “; N1
28 PRINT “NORM V2: “; N2
32 END

Example:  V1 = [-2, 3, 0] and V2 = [ 4, 2, -11]
Cross: [-33, -22, -16]
Dot: -2
Norm V1: 3.605551275
Norm V2: 11.87434209
Angle: 92.67749998°

Sharp EL-5500 III: Atwood Machine

M1:  mass hanging on the left side of the machine
M2:  mass hanging on the right side of the machine

The program asks to choose a unit system.  Enter 1 for US units (feet, pounds, seconds, g = 32.174 ft/s^2), anything else for SI units (meters, kilograms, seconds, g = 9.80665 m/s^2).

2 PAUSE “Atwood Machine”
4 INPUT “1: US, ELSE: SI “; I
6 IF I=1 THEN LET G=32.174
8 IF I<>1 THEN LET G=9.80665
10 INPUT “M1: “; M1, “M2: “; M2
12 A = (M1 – M2)*G / (M1 + M2)
14 T = M1 * (G-A)
16 PRINT “Accel.: “; A
18 PRINT “Tension: “: T
20 END

Example:  M1 = 11.82 kg, M2 = 9.38 kg, use SI units (enter anything other than 1 at the 1:US, ELSE:SI prompt)

Accel.: 1.128689906 m/s^2
Tension: 102.5734883 N


All original content copyright, © 2011-2018.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.  Please contact the author if you have questions.

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