Sunday, April 21, 2019

App Review: SciPro Math - Campusano (Revisited)

App Review:  SciPro Math - Campusano (Revisited)

The Return of SciPro Math

If you want to see my review of my previous version, please check here:

This review is for the current version (Version 4).  I was emailed by the programmer Roberto A. Campusano when the latest version is now available. 

Quick Facts:

Title:  SciPro Math
Author/Programmer:  Robert A. Campusano
Platform:  iOS
Price: $9.99
Version:  4.0


The SciPro Math calculator app is a scientific calculator that features over 648 functions that features many applications, including:

*  U.S.-SI Conversions
*  Finance
* Geometry
* Fractions and Proportions
* Solving Linear Systems up to 4 x 4
* Solving Polynomials up the order 4

The SciPro Math has two modes.  If your Apple device (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch) is in the portrait position, it is a simple, four function calculator.  If your Apple device  is in the landscape position, it is in the scientific calculator.

The calculator runs in Chain mode.  Therefore, there is no algebraic preferences or parenthesis.  It could get a little used to if you are accustomed to traditional scientific calculators, but not a big deal once get a hang of it.  If you are used to regular four-function calculators, you should feel right at home with the operation of the SciPro Math.

The rest of this review and blog will assume that you are working in scientific calculator mode (landscape). 

The Modifier Toggle Keys

The calculator has five modifier keys:  [ 2nd ], [ 3rd ], [ rad (off), deg (on) ] (4th), [ 5th ], and [ 6th ].  The modifier keys act as toggles, and depending on whether they are turned on and off, determine what keyboard is present.  You can quickly access any keyboard by entering the keyboard's number and pressing the purple [SC] key on top of the app.

I'm going to give details on some of the keyboards later, but information for all the 24 keyboards can be found here:

Think of the modifier keys as "binary powers of 2:"

[2nd] is the 1 flag
[3nd] is the 2 flag
[rad/deg (4th)] is the 4 flag
[5th] is the 8 flag
[6th] is the 16 flag

Any total of flags that exceed 24 shows the 24th keyboard:  Storage Space keyboard.  Here you can access 26 memory registers Av through Zv.

Storing and Calculating

A lot of the keyboards is a dedicated solver for a specific application.  I will go over some of the details later but in general, the keys that belong to a calculation are all grouped by colors. 

In general, in a color group if the key has the format [ ], that is an input variable.  Input the value by typing it, pressing the indigo [ →(X)v ] store button. 

If a key has an equal sign at the end, [ ], that is an output variable.  Press this button to get the answer. 


One of the things that I wasn't crazy about in my previous review was the lack of documentation.  Thankfully, this has greatly improved.

First, the app will give prompts of what each key does.  The prompt will appear in indigo on the upper right hand screen.  I find this super helpful when learning how to use the app. 

Second, the app has its own YouTube channel, SciPro math.  The videos, by Roberto Campusano  explain on how to use some of the applications in a clear, concise fashion.  If you are using this app for the first time, I recommend going over the videos. 

SciPro Math's YouTube channel:

Some Keyboard Details

Keyboard 0:  Basic Operations - Angles are in Degrees
Modifiers:  None

Variable Registers:  Av, Bv, Cv
Trig Functions:  sin, cos, tan, sci, csi, bta, sihn, cosh, tanh
Functions:  log, ln, 10^x, e^x, x^2, x^3, √, x^1/3, x^-1
Constants:  π, e, Φ

The functions of sci, csi, and bta are specialized. 

Keyboard 1:  Basic Operations - Angles are in Degrees 
Modifiers:  [ 2nd ]

Variable Registers: Dv, Ev, Fv
Trig functions: sec, sec, cot, bsc, bcs, bct, csch, sech, coth
Functions: ln(x+1), x! (x must be an integer), power, roots, log base 2, e^(x-1)
Constants:  γ

Note:  bsc x = 1/sci x,  bct x = 1/csi x, bct x = 1/bta x

Keyboard 2:  Pythagorean Theorem (and Inverse Trig Functions) - Angles are in Degrees

Variable Registers: Gv, Hv, Iv
Inverse Trig Functions: sin^-1, cos^-1,  tan^-1, sinh^-1, cosh^-1, tanh^-1
Constants:  π/2, π/3, π/4, √2, ln 2
Angle Conversions:  r-deg (radians to degrees), d-rad (degrees to radians)

Hypotenuse Function:
x  [hyp] y [ = ] returns √(x^2 + y^2)

Side Function:
x [side] y [ = ] returns √|x^2 - y^x|    ( | n | = abs(n))

Keyboard 3:  Probability
Modifiers: [ 2nd ], [ 3rd ]

Variable Registers: Jv, Kv, Lv
Random Integers:  rand52 (1 -52), rand10 (1 - 10), coin (0 - 1), dice (1 - 6)
x [ x-y ] y [ = ] returns a random integer between x and y.  x and y can be negative

x [ xCr ] r [ = ] returns x! / ( (x - r)! * r!): the number of the combinations
x [ xPr ] r [ = ] returns x! / (x - r)!:  the number of permutations

Conversions: between temperatures °F, °C, K

Keyboard 4:  Conversions, Trig in Radians
Modifiers:  [rad/deg] turned to deg

Trig Functions: sci, cos, tan, sci,csi, bta
Conversions: in/mm, in/cm ft/cm, ft/m, yd/m, mi/km, lb/kg

Keyboard 6:  Conversions, Trig in Radians
Modifiers:  [ 3rd ], [ rad/deg ] turned to deg

Trig Functions: sin^-1, cos^-1, tan^-1
Conversions: tsp/Tsp, Tsp/cu, tsp/mL, cu/pt, pt/qt, qt/gal, gal/L

Keyboard 8:  Fractions and Ratios, Slope
Modifiers: [ 5th ]

Two fractions in the form of a/b and c/d
[ a ]:  numerator input of a/b
[ b ]:  denominator input of a/b
[ c ]:  numerator input of c/d
[ d ]: denominator input of c/d

Addition of fractions: Numerator:  [ ad + bc ], Denominator: [ bd ]
Subtraction of fractions: Numerator: [ ad - bc ], Denominator: [ bd ]
Multiplication of fractions: Numerator: [ ac ], Denominator: [ bd ]
Division of fractions: Numerator: [ ad ], Denominator: [ bc ]

Slope of two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2): 
Input:  [x1 ], [ y1 ], [ x2 ], [ y2 ]
Output:  [ slope ]:  (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1);  [ -m^-1 ]:   -(x1 - x2)/(y1 - y2)

Keyboard 9:  Linear Equations
Modifiers: [ 2nd ], [ 5th ]

Linear Form:  ax + by = c
s(x) and t(x) contains this form. 
Input:  [ ax1 ], [ by1 ], [ cx0 ]
Output: [ x-int ]: x-intercept of s(x); [ y-int ]: y-intercept of s(x);
[ s(x)= ]: solve for y given x; [ s^-1(x) ]: solve for x given y

Slope Intercept Form: mx + b
f(x) and g(x) contains this form
Input: [ mx1 ], [ bx0 ]
Output: [ f(x)= ]:  solve for y given x; [ f^-1(x) ]: solve for x given y

Keyboard 10: Quadratic Equations
Modifiers: [ 3rd ], [ 5th ]

Equation:  j(x) = a0 *x^2 + a1 * x + a2
Input:  [ a0x^2 ], [ a1x^1 ], [ a2x^0 ]

Roots:  Real: [ x21  ], [ x22 ];  Imaginary:  [ x21i ], [ x22i ]
[ D2 ]: discriminant

Keyboard 11:  Cubic Equation - Modifiers [ 2nd ], [ 3rd ], [ 5th ]

Keyboard 12:  Quartic Equation - Modifiers [ rad/deg ] set to deg, [ 5th ]

Keyboard 16:  3 x 3 Linear System - Modifiers [ 6th ]

Keyboard 20: Geometry 
Modifiers:  [ rad/deg ] set to deg, [ 6th ]

Sphere:  Input:  r.sp (radius).  Output: D.sp (diameter), V.sp (volume), S.sp (surface area)
Circle: Input: r.c (radius).  Output: D.c (diameter), A.c (area), C.c (circumference)
Trapezoid: Input: b1 (base 1), b2 (base 2), h/t (height).  Output: A/t (area)
Rectangle:  Input: l.r (length), w.r (width).  Output: A.r (area), P.r (perimeter)
Triangle: Input: a.t (side a), b.t (side b), c.t (side c). Output:  A.t (area), P.t (perimeter)
Box:  Input: l.b (length), w.b (width), h.b (height).  Output: V.b (volume), S.b (surface area)


I'm really happy with this updated version of SciPro Math, the online prompts make a huge difference, and the how-to videos are top notch.  Also, the operation of the calculator is simple and is good for quick calculations. 

This app is worth looking into and now I see the justification of spending the $9.99 on this app. 


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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