Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Casio MS-80 Series and HP 17BII+: Using Exchange Rates for US/SI Conversions

Casio MS-80 Series and HP 17BII+:  Using Exchange Rates for US/SI Conversions

Casio MS-80 Series

I am demonstrating this technique on a Casio MS-80TV, however, this can apply to any desktop calculator which exchange rate functions are offered.  This includes the Casio MS-6CO (where the keys are labeled METRIC|CONV) and Casio MS-80B.

To set the rate:

1.  Set the calculator to Exchange Mode.  Press [MODE M/EX] until EXCH appears in the display. 
2.  Press [ AC ] then hold [ % ] until the display refreshes.  The display will then say SET.
3.  Select the exchange memory rate you want to set.  C2, C3, some models have C4. 
4.  Enter the conversion rate.  You can include up to six significant digits. 
5.  Press [ % ]. 
6.  Press [ AC ] to clear the calculator.

Multiply by the rate:  n [C1] [C2]*

Divide by the rate:  n [C2]* [C1]

* can be C3 or C4

Example: 1  US mile = 1.609344 km

We'll use the approximation 1 mi ≈ 1.60934 km

(in EXCH mode): 
[AC] hold [  % ]
(SET is displayed)
[C2] 1.60934 [ % ]

Convert 20 mi to km:  20 [C1] [C2]  (Result:  32.1868)
Convert 50 km to mi:  50 [C2] [C1]  (Result:  31.068636)

Hewlett Packard HP 17BII+

This applies to the revised HP 17BII+ series, not the original. 

To set the rate:

1.  From the main menu, select (CURRX) (currency conversion mode).
2.  Press (SELCT).  At the prompt "SELECT CURRENCY 1", choose a currency name.  I suggest A [ ( MORE) (MORE) ( A )].
3.  Press (SELCT).  At the prompt "SELECT CURRENCY 2", choose a currency name.  I suggest B [ ( MORE) (MORE) ( B )].
4.  Enter your conversion rate.  Unlike the Casio MS-80 series, there is no limit to the number of significant digits you can enter.  Press (RATE).  If your labels (currencies) have already been set, you can skip steps 2 and 3 and instead, enter the conversion rate and press (RATE).

Multiply by the rate*:  n ( A ) ( B )

Divide by the rate*:  n ( B ) ( A )

* or whatever the labels you designate.  ( A ) is on the left, ( B ) is on the right.

Going back to our example:  1  US mile = 1.609344 km

Keystrokes (ALL display format is selected for this example):
(in CURRX mode)
(SELCT) (MORE) (MORE) ( A )*
(SELCT) (MORE) (MORE) ( B )*
1.609344 (RATE)

Convert 20 mi to km:  20 ( A ) ( B )  (Result:  32.18688)
Convert 50 km to mi:  50 ( B ) ( A ) (Result:  31.0685596119)


All original content copyright, © 2011-2019.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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