Sunday, May 10, 2020

Retro Review: Radio Shack EC-4041

Retro Review:   Radio Shack EC-4041

Quick Facts:

Model:  EC-4041
Company:  Radio Shack
Type:  Scientific
Years:  around 1995
Display:  10 digits
Batteries:  Solar (with LR-44 backup)
Original Retail Price:  Roughly $15 - $20
Logic:  Direct Algebraic Entry (in Casio this is called V.P.A.M. - Visually Perfect Algebraic Method)
Equivalent of:  Casio fx-115S

Direct Algebraic Entry

In the 1990s, most scientific calculators made the move from a post input system to a algebraic entry method.   The calculator featured on this blog is part of the latter group.  Examples of Direct Algebraic Entry in action include:

Example 1:  tan 17°
[ MODE ] [ MODE ] [ 1 ] for Degrees
[ tan ]     (Screen:    tan on the upper left hand of the screen)
17          (Screen:   tan 17)
[ = ]         (Screen:   = 0.305730681)

Result: tan 17° = 0.305730681

Example 2:  (2^3.1 - 4) / 5
[ ( ] 2        (Screen:  (  2 )
[ x^y ]       (Screen:   ( 2 x^y  )
3.1 [ - ]     (Screen:  8.5741877 - )
4 [ ) ]         (Screen:  4.5741877
[ ÷ ] 5 [ = ]   (Screen:  = 0.91483754 )

Result:  (2^3.1 - 4) / 5 = 0.91483754

Example 3:  Rectangular/Polar Conversions

Rectangular to Polar
Syntax:    x R→P y

Convert (28, 18) to polar coordinates, angle in Degree mode
 [ MODE ] [ MODE ] [ 1 ] for Degrees
28 [ SHIFT ] [  + ] (R→P)    (Screen:   28 →P)
18 [ = ]

r = 33.28663395
[ SHIFT ] [ √ ] ( X ←→ Y )
θ = 32.73522627

Polar to Rectangular
Syntax:  r P→R θ

Convert (23.75 ∠ 48°) to rectangular coordinates
23.75 [ SHIFT ] [ - ] (R→P) 48 [ = ]

x = 15.8918519
[ SHIFT ] [ √ ] ( X ←→ Y )
y = 17.64968961

There are no arrow keys on the EC-4041.  Furthermore, the screen is only one line.  This makes for an interesting experience, as you have to be careful on how you enter the expressions.  There are two function indicators, one to the left and one to the right of the number to guide you.

The EC-4041 is similar to the Sharp EL-506G.  A review of the EL-506G can be found here:

Radio Shack:  A Casio in Disguise

Looking at the Radio Shack EC-4041, it is in a style of a Casio scientific calculator.  In fact, the Radio Shack EC-4041 is has the same keyboard the Casio fx-115S.  Casio Ledudu's fx-115S is shown here:

An Update of the 1980s Casio fx-115D

The Radio Shack EC-4041 and the Casio fx-115S is an update of the fx-115D.  The features are:

*  1 Variable Statistics
*  Linear Regression
*  Base Conversions (Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal) with Boolean Algebra (not, and, or, xor, xnor, neg)
*  Complex Numbers (arithmetic, argument, absolute value, rectangular form only)
*  Fractions (auto-simplification)
*  Sexadecimal calculations with conversions
*  Seven memory registers (fx-115S/EC-4041 has A, B, C, D, E, F, M;  fx-115D has Kin/Kout registers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, with M)

I wish the EC-4014 kept the menu structure with the fx-115D instead having the MODE system it has.  Not a deal breaker.


Similar to the Sharp EL-506G, I like this calculator and the features are just fine.  The challenge is that you have one line to work with and it takes a bit getting used to when most one line calculators that operate in the classic way.

"Casio fx-115S"  Casio Ledudu.  Retrieved April 5, 2020


All original content copyright, © 2011-2020.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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