Sunday, September 19, 2021

Differences Between HP 32S and HP 32SII

 Differences Between HP 32S and HP 32SII

The HP 32S and HP 32SII are two classic RPN calculators which feature a rich set of scientific calculations, including logarithms, trigonometry, hyperbolic functions, integer part, fraction part, absolute value, statistics, and linear regression (y = mx + b).  Both are keystroke RPN programming programs with a capacity of 390 bytes.  

What are the differences? 

HP 32S

*  Production:  1988 - 1991

*  Keyboard Colors:  dark brown, almost black keys; one orange shift key

*  One key deals with scrolling:  down, with up shifting


*  Production:  1991 - 2002

*  Keyboard Colors:  dark brown keys, orange shift key, blue shift key (1st edition); black keys, green shift key, pink shift key

*  One key deals with scrolling:  down, with up shifting

*  Has four sets of US/SI conversions:  kg/lb, °C/°F, cm/in, l/gal

*  Pressing the decimal key ( [ . ] ) twice will create fractions and mixed fractions.   The FDISP toggles between decimal approximation and fractions.  

Menu HP 32S HP 32SII
PARTS [ shift ] [ x<>y ]: IP, FP, RN, ABS [ |> ] [ √ ]: IP, FP, ABS (RN is on the keyboard)
PROB [ shift ] [ 3 ]: COMB, PERM, x!, R# [ |> ] e^x
STAT/LR One group of menus Split into four menus
SHOW [ shift ] [ . ] [ |> ] [ ENTER ]
SOLVE, ∫ [ shift ] [ 1 ] SOLVE: [ |> ] [ 7 ]; ∫: [ |> ] [ 8 ]
LOOP: ISG/DSE [ shift ] [ 5 ] ISG: [ <| ] [ 9 ]; DSE: [ |> ] [ 9 ]
TESTS [ shift ] [ × ]: offers < = ≠ > x?y: [ <| ] [ ÷ ], x?0: [ |> ] [ ÷ ]: offers < ≤ = ≠ > ≥

Hewlett Packard would later release updated versions of the 32S with the ill-fated 33S and the better but not perfect 35S.  


"HP-32S"  Wikipedia.  Last Edited June 28, 2021.   Retrieved July 6, 2021


All original content copyright, © 2011-2021.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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