Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Casio Classpad (fx-CP400): Collection of Functions

Casio Classpad  (fx-CP400):  Collection of Functions

For my birthday post, on Pi (π) Day (March 14), here is a collection of functions for the Casio Classpad (300, 330, fx-CP400, fx-CP500). 

Birthday Probability Function:   bday(c,n)

"The probability that a number in a room do not share a same birthday"

c:  number of categories (i.e. days in a year)

n:  population size


bday(365, 40):  0.1087681902

Percent Change:  pchg(old, new)

old:  old amount

new:  new amount


pchg(400,500):  25

Combination with Repetition:  nHr(n,r)

n:  population

r:  number of objects to pick


nHr(52,5):  3819816

Error Function and Error Compliment Function

Error Function:   erf(x)

Error Compliment Function:  erfc(x)

Note that erf(x) + erfc(x) = 1


erf(0.60):  0.6038560908

erfc(0.60):  0.3961439092

Law of Cosines

a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2*b*c*cos(α)

Finding the Angle α:  cosang(a,b,c)

Finding the Side a:  cosside(b,c,α)


(Degrees Mode)

a = 20.1, b = 18.5, c = 22.3:  cosang(20.1,18.5,22.3):  58.13961834°  (approx)

b = 24.2, c = 18.9, α = 58°:  cosside(24.2,18.9,58):  21.4032954 (approx)

Fresnel Integrals

Fresnel Cosine Integral:  frescos(u)

C(u) = ∫( cos(π * x^2 ÷ 2) dx, 0, u)

Fresnel Sine Integral:  fressin(u)

S(u) = ∫( sin(π * x^2 ÷ 2) dx, 0, u)


frescos(1.5):  0.445261176

fressin(1.5):  0.6975049601

Bessel Integral of the First Kind:  bessel(n,x)

J_n(x) = 1 / π * ∫( cos(n * t - x * sin t) dt, 0, π)


bessel(0,1.5):  0.5118276716

bessel(2,1.2):  0.1593490183

Elliptic Integral of the First Kind:  ellip(x)

K(x) = ∫( 1/ √(1 - x^2 * sin^2 t) dt, 0, π/2)


ellip(-0.6):  1.750753803

ellip(0.4):  1.639999866

Sine Integral:  Si(x)

Si(x) = ∫( sin t / t dt, 0, x)


Si(1.8):  1.50581678

Si(6):  1.424687551

Beta Function:  beta(a,b)

β(a, b) = (Γ(a) * Γ(b)) ÷ Γ(a+b)


beta(2,3): 1/12

beta(1.9,4.6):  0.04470413922 (approx)

Relativity Factor:  relat(v)

factor = √(1 - v^2/c^2)

c = 299792458 m/s

v = velocity


relat(201E6):  0.7419422153  (approx)

Schwarzschild Radius:  schwarz(m)

r = (2 * G * m)/c^2

G = 6.674E-11  m^3/(kg s^2)

c = 299792458 m/s

m = mass the black hole, kg

r = Schwarzschild Radius, m  (event horizon)


schwarz(7.89E30):  11717.95418

Distance of a Drop:  dropdist(v0,t)

v0:  initial velocity, m/s

t: time, s

Calculated:  distance, m


dropdist(15,5):  197.583125

Cycle of a Simple Pendulum:  pendu(l)

l:  length of a string, m

Calulated:  time of the pendulum swing, s


pendu(5.5):  4.705446883

Impedance in LRC Series Circuit:  lrcser(R,f,L,C)

R:  resistance, Ω

f:  frequency, Hz

L:  inductance, H

C:  capacity, F


lrcser(4,80,0.1,50E-6):  11.21437564

Impedance in LRC Parallel Circuit:  lrcpar(R,f,L,C)

R:  resistance, Ω

f:  frequency, Hz

L:  inductance, H

C:  capacity, F


lrcpar(4,80,0.1,50E-6):  3.999122191

Source for:

Distance of a Drop

Cycle of a Simple Pendulum

Impedance in LRC Series Circuit

Impedance in LRC Parallel Circuit

Scientific Calculator 128 fx-1000F/fx-5000F Owner's Manual.   Casio.  Tokyo, Japan. 

Download the file here:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M54HlJ9dP95VBEmGzkUozGzJxKGpiHMh/view?usp=share_link


All original content copyright, © 2011-2023.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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