Monday, March 13, 2023

Review: TI-83 Premium CE Python Edition

Review: TI-83 Premium CE Python Edition

Quick Facts

Model: TI-83 Premium CE Python Edition

Company: Texas Instruments

Price:  $90 - $130 US Dollars 

Country of Origin:  France

Power:  Rechargeable

USB Cord:  Standard A to Mini-B

Memory:  154,000 bytes RAM, 3MB ROM

Display size:  color, backlit, 240 x 320 pixels

Operating System:  Algebraic

Are programs compatible with TI-84 Plus CE?  Yes, both TI-BASIC and Python programs through TI Connect CE.

Essentially the TI-83 Premium CE Python Edition and TI-84 Plus CE Python (of the United States) are similar.   The French TI-83 Premium CE Python was first released in 2019, two years prior to the TI-84 Plus CE Python.   

I note at this time, March 2023, finding TI-84 Plus CE Python calculators to buy are extremely hard to find due to global chip shortage.   

The TI-83 Premium CE Python Edition is based off of the TI-83 Premium CE but it has an additional ARM chip that gives the calculator the Python, specifically CircuitPython.  We have a similar structure for the TI-84 Plus CE Python.  

My review on the American TI-84 Plus CE Python:

The rest of the blog is going to highlight some comparisons and unique features.

QPiRac:  The Exact Calculator Engine

I wish the TI-84 Plus CE had this:  exact calculations, which is known as QPiRac.  

Q:  fractions

Pi:  terms of π

Rac:  radicals (square roots)

The TI-36X Pro (and TI-30X Pro MathPrint) also has exact math.   We can convert between approximate and exact answers by pressing the [ <> ] button.  

Keyboard Differences

TI-83 Premium CE Python keypad:

TI-84 Plus CE Python keypad:

A lot of the keys between the TI-83 Premium CE and the TI-84 Plus CE (and their respective Python editions) differ even though the features between the two calculators are pretty much the same.  Keep in mind the keys on the TI-83 Premium CE are in French, while the keys on the TI-84 Plus CE are in English.  

*  The fraction shortcut template is a shortcut is accessed on the TI-84 Plus CE by the key sequence  [ alpha ] [ X,T,θ,n ].   On the TI-83 Premium CE, the fraction template is its own key.

*  The reciprocal function is a primary key on the TI-84 Plus CE, but it is a secondary function of the matrix key, [ matrice ], on the TI-83 Premium CE.

*  Speaking of matrices, the menu is a primary key on the TI-83 Premium CE, mainly the [ matrice ] key.  

*  Instead of separate keys, all the trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions are accessed by the [ trig ] key on the TI-83 Premium CE.  

*  The solver and the PlySmlt2 (polynomial and simultaneous equations) are accessed by the [ résol ] key on the TI-83 Premium CE.

*  The TI-83 Premium CE has a template popup menu, accessed by pressing [ 2nd ] [ []/[] ] (∫ [] d []>).

*  The [ annul ] key on the TI-83 Premium CE is the [ clear ] key on the TI-84 Plus CE.

*  The [ suppr ] key on the TI-83 Premium CE is the [ del ] (delete) key on the TI-84 Plus CE.

*  The insérer function on the TI-83 Premium CE is the ins (insert) function on the TI-84 Plus CE.

*  The applications key is moved to the 2nd function on the [ résol ] key.  

*  The pi (π) constant is a 2nd function of the [ ^ ] key on the TI-84 Plus CE, but the 2nd function of the [ trig ] key on the TI-83 Premium CE.  

*  The stats menu on the TI-83 Premium CE has a Quartiles Setting, something that is not present on the TI-84 Plus CE.   I did not realize that there are different methods to determine quartiles.   The options presented are TI-83CE method and TI-8x method.  This is something I have to read about.  

Final Thoughts

I like the TI-83 Premium CE Python Edition, it's got the exact math engine, and it's not just limited to the Home Screen.  The exact math engine extends to the all the apps except for Python.  Even TI-Basics programs have the exact math engine, which is a pleasant surprise.   If you are looking for a TI Python but not an Nspire, the TI-83 Premium CE Python Edition is worth checking out.  

Still hoping for more color options and the base conversions.


Shore, Edward.   "Review: TI-84 Plus CE Python"  Eddie's Math and Calculator Blog.  July 19, 2021.

"TI-83 Premium CE"  Wikipedia.  Last Updated October 25, 2021.  Accessed March 2, 2023.

Woerner, Joerg.  "TI-83 Premium CE Edition Python"  Datamath Calculator Museum.   May 30, 2019.


All original content copyright, © 2011-2023.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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