Monday, June 26, 2023

Retro Review: TI-35 Galaxy Solar

Retro Review:   TI-35 Galaxy Solar

Quick Facts

Model: TI-35 Galaxy Solar

Company: Texas Instruments

Production Years:  1984 - 1989 (mainly 1985)

Power:  Solar

Type:  Scientific

Operating System:  AOS

Memory Registers:  1

Display:  One line:  8 digits or 5 digits with 2 digit exponent (10^xx), with polar/rectangular indicators, up to four pending arithmetic operators

The TI-35 Galaxy Solar comes in a carrying case.  The keyboard feels kind of nice. 

Standard Scientific Calculator Feature Set

The TI-35 Galaxy Solar is a landscape calculator with a function set typical of the TI-30 series:

>  Trigonometry:  sine, cosine, tangent, and their inverses

>  Logarithms and powers

>  Polar/Rectangular conversions

>  Decimal/Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (DD.MMSS) conversions

>  Memory Register Operations:  store, recall, sum (STO+), exchange

>  Statistics:  mean (x-bar), standard deviation (σn-1), population deviation (σn)

>  Angle Modes:  degrees, radians, grads, and conversions

The keyboard has an inverse button ( [INV] ).

Inverse Key Mapping

[INV] [SIN]: arcsin

[INV] [COS]: arccos

[INV] [TAN]: arctan

[INV] [EE]: cancel scientific notation display when possible

[INV] [LOG]:  10^x

[INV] [LN]:  e^x

[INV] [P>R]:  R>P (rectangular to polar conversion)

[INV] [DMS>DD]:  DD>DMS (decimal to degree-minutes-seconds conversion)

Rectangular/Polar Conversions

One of the nice things with the TI-35 Galaxy Solar is when these conversions happen, the results are displayed with labels.

Rectangular to Polar Conversion:

Input:  x [ x<>y ] y [INV] [P>R]

Output:  θ [x<>y] r  (with θ and r indicators)

Polar to Rectangular Conversion:

Input:  r [x<>y] θ [P>R]

Output:  y [x<>y] x (with y and x indicators)

Constant Operations

1.  Enter a constant 

2.  Press an arithmetic operation ([+], [-], [×], [÷], [y^x], [INV] [y^x])

3.  Press [INV] (K) 

4.  Enter the number to be operated on then press equals [=].  Repeat step 4 for each number.

Operation Table

a [ + ] [INV] ( K ) n [ = ]...    n + a

a [ - ] [INV] ( K ) n [ = ]...    n - a

a [ × ] [INV] ( K ) n [ = ]...    n × a

a [ ÷ ] [INV] ( K ) n [ = ]...    n ÷ a

a [ y^x ] [INV] ( K ) n [ = ]...    n^a

a [INV] [ y^x ] [INV] ( K ) n [ = ]...    n^(1/a)

Arithmetic Indicators

One of the more unique features of the TI-35 Galaxy Solar are arithmetic indicators of pending operators on the left side of the screen.   The indicators provide an excellent insight to the pending arithmetic operators.

Published are two YouTube shorts that see the arithmetic indicators in action:

Example 1:

Example 2:

This is my favorite feature of the TI-35 Galaxy Solar calculator.

Final Thoughts

I think this a real good collector's calculator.  I like the landscape form and the pending arithmetic indicators is a great addition.


All original content copyright, © 2011-2023.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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