Sunday, August 25, 2024

Spotlight: NEWYES GY991 MS

 Spotlight: NEWYES GY991 MS

This is going to be a quick spotlight on the NEWYES GY-991 MS, a clone of the Casio fx-991 MS made in China.


Model: GY-991 MS

Company: NewYes

Modeled after: Casio fx-991 MS

Number of Functions: 401

Display: Two Lines

Battery: Solar, with backup battery L1154F (equivalent LR44)

Price: circa $11 - $12

The GY-991 MS is a two line scientific calculator with many functions including:

* numerical integration

* numerical derivative

* complex arithmetic (R<>I indicator, with ⅈ and ∠ to indicate imaginary and angle parts)

* 40 scientific calculators (circa 2008 values)

* 40 U.S./International unit conversions

* Polar to Rectangular conversion (x stored in E, y stored in F)

* Rectangular to Polar conversion (r stored in E, θ stored in F)

The display has two lines: the top is the calculation while the bottom line is the result. The calculator is algebraic, so you can type expressions as they are written.

The GY-991MS is similar to the Casio fx-991 MS in functionality.

Modes (by repeated presses of the [ MODE ] key):

COMP: Regular

CMPLX: Complex Mode

SD: One-variable statistics

REG: Two-variable statistics

BASE: base conversions and Boolean logic. The four bases available are decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal. The Boolean logic functions (and, or, xor, xnor, not, neg, with suffixes) are accessed through the repeated presses of the [ x^-1 ] button.


Unknowns: 2 or 3: Simultaneous linear equations of 2 or 3 variables

Degree: 2 or 3: Quadratic or cubic polynomial solver

MAT: Matrix mode, 3 matrices (A, B, C) up to 3 x 3. Operations available: Det (determinant), Trn (transpose), Inverse through the [ x^-1 ]

VCT: Vector mode, 3 vectors (A, B, C), 2D or 3D. Operations available: dot product (through the VCT menu), cross product ([ × ] key), norm ([SHIFT] [ ) ] (Abs))

Angle modes: Deg, Rad, Gra (degrees, radians, gradients)

Display modes: Fix, Sci, Norm

Disp mode: Engineering mode on and off, fraction display, dot/comma decimal separator

Six regression models are available: linear, logarithmic, exponential, power, inverse, quadratic

The keys are plastic, but feel serviceable and responsive. The calculations are comparable. If you are not planning to take classes or take a high-stakes certification exam, it may be an off-brand model to try. It is also a good, inexpensive calculator to use.


All original content copyright, © 2011-2024. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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