Thursday, September 26, 2013

HP Prime Tip: Setting Up User Keys

HP Prime User Keyboard Primer

On of the features of the new HP Prime is the ability to assign custom programs, mathematical commands, or constants to the keyboard.

In this tutorial, we will use the shortcut commands to set up a user keyboard. You can set one or many user keys, there is no required number. In addition, the user keyboard can take one of four planes:

Shift + Key
Shift + ALPHA + Key

We will illustrate the procedure by assigning the STRING() command to the
Change Sign [ +/- ] key.

1. Create a new program and give it any name you want. For this example, I name the program USERKEY. USERKEY is going to be where I store my user key assignments.

2. Clear the program editor. There should be no EXPORT-BEGIN-END structures on the screen.

3. Press the [Menu] key. The [Menu] key is on the upper right hand corner section of the keys, to the left of the [CAS] key and below the [View] key. Select option 4: "Create User Key".

4. At the "Press any key..." prompt, select the key for which you want to assign your command to.

For my illustration, I will press the [+/-] key.

5. The user key template will appear of the programming editing screen. In between the BEGIN and END; is where you will type.

Note that the appropriate key code will be entered for you.

6. Call the RETURN command by pressing the soft key (Tmplt) then selecting "Block" then "RETURN".

Type your command and program in quotes. You can also call them from the various HP Prime menus or the Catalog. It is very important that you end this line with a semicolon (;), otherwise a syntax error occurs.

Note that user key assignments and edits are saved automatically. There is no need to run the USERKEY program.

Illustrated below is me putting the STRING() command. This assigns the STRING command to the [ +/- ] key.

For additional key assignments, repeat steps 3-6. Each key assignment template stands alone. Do not nest key assignment templates.

To use a user-assigned key, first press [Shift] + [Help] (User). An orange "1U" indicator appears on the top left hand corner of the screen. This means the next key pressed will execute the user-assigned function (if there is one).

For my example, pressing [Shift] + [Help] (User), [+/-] brings up the STRING command.

That is all there is to it!

Be sure to take notes of your key assignments.

Look for additional HP Prime programming tutorials in the upcoming months.

As always thank you for your support and comments. Have a great day everyone,


This blog is property of Edward Shore. 2013

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