Friday, May 15, 2015

HP Prime Firmware 7820 Released

HP Prime Software Version 7820

DISCLAIMER: I am not an employee of Hewlett Packard.  

Rev. 7820, 4/27/2015.

You can also find the link here:

The above link provides files for the calculator, connectivity kit, and emulator.

Shout out to Tim Wessman, cyrille de brébisson, and the HP Calculator Group. 

Let’s take a look at some of the new features with Version 7820 (4/27/2015):

Draw a Function

This blows me away.  I don’t think posting still pictures shows this new feature justice.   You can sketch a function by your finger (or mouse if you are using the hardware), and Prime draws a function that fits your sketch.  Furthermore, the function is defined and can be analyzed just as if you typed the functions on the Symb screen.  The sketch function draws functions of the following types:  linear, quadratic, exponential, natural logarithmic, and sinusoidal. To access this feature, go to the Plot screen, select Menu, then
Fcn, and Sketch… (option 1). 

Date Functions

One of my favorite calculator functions of all time is the days between dates function.  Usually, this function is found mostly on financial calculators and some graphing calculators.  I am happy to report that the days between dates function (DDAYS) has finally made it to the HP Prime (a user program is no longer needed). 
DDAYS(date1, date2):  calculate the days between date1 and date2.  Dates follow this format:  yyyy.mmdd.  This is the international date format (ISO standard): year, month, date.

DATEADD(date, n):  This determines the date n days from the specified date, where n can be positive (determining a future date) or negative (determining a past date).

DAYOFWEEK(date):  Returns the day of the week of a certain date.
1 – Monday
2 – Tuesday
3 – Wednesday
4 – Thursday
5 – Friday
6 – Saturday
7 – Sunday

These functions are found in the catalog or if you are in programming mode, through the Cmds-More menu.

Product Template

A new template to calculate the product of the function is added.  This template works well in both the Home and the CAS modes.

Pie Graph and Other 1-Variable Stat Plots

The HP Prime has an official pie graph feature in the Statistics1Var app.  Additional plots also include dot, stem and leaf, and control.  Stem and leaf plots are tables where numbers are arranged by their last digit (leaf) by their first digit(s) (stem).

Renaming of Columns, Mark Options in the Statistics Apps

Columns that used in the Statistics1Var and Statistics2Var apps are no longer restricted to the names C0 – C9.   Each column can contain up to 10,000 entries.  In the Symb menu, you can determine the color of the regression curve (2Var) and the markers.

To note, the symbolic variables of the Statistics2Var have changed.  Gone are the S1Type through the S5Type.  The variables S1 through S5 have been expanded.  S1 through S5 are lists containing the following items:

{ independent column,  dependent column, frequency column (can be blank), regression equation, plot type, color of the plot, mark type, color of the mark}

Plot Types:
1 – Linear
2 – Logarithmic
3 – Exponential
4 – Power
5 – Exponent
6 – Inverse
7 – Logistic
8 – Quadratic
9 – Cubic
10 – Quartic
11 – Trigonometric
12 – Median-Median (new plot type)
13 – User Defined

Mark Types:
1 – small open circles
2 -  boxes
3 -  thin “X”s
4 -  crosses
5 -  thick diamonds
6 -  thick “X”s
7 -  solid circles
8 -  thin diamonds
9 -  large open circles


Both EDITLIST and EDITMAT have expanded capabilities.  You can add a title and make said list/matrix read-only.  The general format is:

EDITLIST(list variable or list, title as a string, read-only indicator)

EDITMAT(matrix variable or matrix, title as a string, read-only indicator)

The read-only indicator only needs to have any number other than zero to make such object read-only.  Both the title and read-only indicator arguments are optional.

Universal Setting Variables and Application Basic Setting Variables

The HP Prime now differentiates between universal setting variables (HAngle, HFormat, etc.) from application specific setting variables (AAngle, AFormat, etc.). 

Additional Distribution Functions

New density, cumulative, and inverse (lower tail) distribution functions are available for the following distributions:

Beta:  beatad, beatad_cdf, betad_icdf
Exponential: exponential, exponential_cdf, exponential_icdf
Gamma:  gammad, gammad_cdf, gammad_icdf
Negative Binomial: negbinomial, negbinomial_cdf, negbinomial_icdf
Uniform:  uniform, uniform_cdf, uniform_icdf
Weibull:  weibull, weibull_cdf, weibull_icdf

All these functions can be found in the catalog.

Additional random number generators based on the binomial, chi square, fisher, geometric, Poisson, and student distribution has been added in the catalog.  The new random generators have the prefix “rand”. 

Programming:  Running the Programs through the Catalog ([Shift] + [ 1 ]) allows non-real input

It used to be that if you ran programs through the Program Catalog, we could only input real numbers as entries.   Thankfully, that is no longer the case.  Now we can input lists, matrices, and complex numbers.

One Directional Limits

The limit function now allows the use of plus and minus symbols to determine one-directional limits.  It won’t sing One Direction songs though (thankfully!).

This is just a few of the new features.  There is A LOT more detailed information about the above and all the new features, including improved copy and paste procedures, 1 way ANOVA analysis, display of graphic objects G0 through G9 on the home screen, and upper and lower case text conversion functions, included in the documentation of the new firmware. 

All the future programs posted on this blog will be done using the Version 7820 firmware. 


The Museum of HP Calculators

Here a great place to discuss calculators, specifically HP calculators.  It is a really great place for HP calculator owners.  The link to the forum is here:



This blog is property of Edward Shore.  2015.

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