Sunday, May 12, 2024

HP 71B: Basic RPN Program

HP 71B: Basic RPN Program


This is a repost of a basic program for the HP 71B. I received an email from Kenneth who pointed out that line 145 lead to an error. In further testing, this lead to the input routine not working correctly. The following code in today’s repost is a corrected algorithm. Edited lines are in blue (lines 5, 125, and 145).

The original entry, posted on August 29, 2016, will be deactivated.

HP 71B Program: BASIC

The program RPNBASIC puts the HP 71B into RPN mode with arithmetic functions, power, square root, and π.  The program contains room for one independent memory and a four level stack that works like the classic Hewlett Packard RPN calculators. 

I have the array S set up for six slots:

Slot 1: X stack (display)

Slot 2: Y stack

Slot 3: Z stack

Slot 4: T stack

Slot 5: Independent memory stack

Slot 6: (temporary memory)

For an idea of how RPN works, check out this tutorial:

As a note, this program requires you to press the equals key [ = ] before you enter a number to the stack.  

Example:   2 + 3 + 9 = 14


[ = ], 2, [END LINE]

[ = ], 3, [END LINE], [ + ], 

[ = ], 9,  [END LINE], [ + ]

The keys available during RPNBASIC:

[ = ] Input 

[ + ] Add: Y + X

[ - ] Subtract: Y - X

[ * ] Multiplication: Y * X 

[ / ] Divide: Y/X

[ g ] [ / ] (^) Exponent: Y^X

[ Q ]  Square Root √X

[ P ] Enter π to the stack 

[ M ] Store X in independent memory

[ R ] Recall memory 

[ C ] Clear X stack to 0

Stack operations:

[ S ] Swap with X and Y

[ D ] Roll stack down, result { Y, T, Z, X }

Exit the program: press [ E ]

HP 71B Program: RPNBASIC  (828 bytes)

5 ! SIMPLE RPN, EWS 5/12/2024


15 DIM K$, S(6)



30 DELAY 0,0

35 DISP S(1)

40 K$=KEY$

50 IF K$="+" THEN S(6)=S(1)+S(2) @ GOTO 100

52 IF K$="-" THEN S(6)=S(2)-S(1) @ GOTO 100

54 IF K$="*" THEN S(6)=S(1)*S(2) @ GOTO 100

56 IF K$="/" THEN S(6)=S(2)/S(1) @ GOTO 100

58 IF K$="=" THEN 140

60 IF K$="M" THEN S(5)=S(1) @ GOTO 35

62 IF K$="R" THEN S(6)=S(5) @ GOTO 120

64 IF K$="P" THEN S(6)=PI @ GOTO 120

66 IF K$="C" THEN S(1)=0 @ GOTO 35

68 IF K$="S" THEN 160

70 IF K$="D" THEN 180

72 IF K$="Q" THEN S(1)=SQR(S(1)) @ GOTO 35

74 IF K$="^" THEN S(6)=S(2)^S(1) @ GOTO 100

76 IF K$="E" THEN 200 ELSE 40


105 S(1)=S(6) @ S(2)=S(3) @ S(3)=S(4)

110 GOTO 35


125 S(4)=S(3) @ S(3)=S(2) @ S(2)=S(1) @ S(1)=S(6)

130 GOTO 35


145 INPUT "NUMBER:";S(6)

150 GOTO 120

160 ! SWAP 

165 S(6)=S(1) @ S(1)=S(2) @ S(2)=S(6)

170 GOTO 35

180 ! ROLL

185 S(6)=S(1)

190 S(1)=S(2) @ S(2)=S(3) @ S(3)=S(4) @ S(4)=S(6)

195 GOTO 35

200 STOP


Remember the order of operations! 

Example 1:

22.5 - 12.3 * 3.3 = -18.09

[ = ], 12.3, [ END LINE ],

[ = ], 3.3, [ END LINE ], [ * ],

[ = ] 22.5, [ END LINE ], [ S ], [ - ]

Example 2: (5^2 + 1.4^3)/2 = 13.872

[ = ], 5, [ END LINE ], [ = ], 2, [ END LINE ], [ g ], [ / ] (^)

[ = ], 1.4, [ END LINE ], [ = ], 3, [ END LINE ], [ g ], [ / ] (^), [ + ]

[ = ], 2, [ END LINE ], [ / ]

Example 3: π * 3.12^2 + (3.12 * 1.99) = 36.7903195271

Store 3.12 in memory. 

[ = ], 3.12, [ END LINE ], [ M ],

[ = ], 2 , [ END LINE ], [ g ], [ / ] (^),

[ P ], [ * ],

[ R ], [ = ], 1.99, [ END LINE ], [ * ], [ + ] 


Note: this program can be expanded to include additional functions and calculations.  

All original content copyright, © 2011-2024. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author. 

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