Sunday, May 5, 2024

Circular Sector: Finding the Radius and Angle

 Circular Sector: Finding the Radius and Angle

Here is the problem:

We are given the area of the circular segment, A, and the arc length of the segment, s. What is the radius, r, and the angle, θ?

The arc length is calculated as: s = θ * r

The area is calculated as: A = ½ * θ * r^2

We have the system of equations:

A = ½ * θ * r^2

s = θ * r

Divide A by s:

A / s= (½ * θ * r^2) / (θ * r)

A / s = r / 2

2 * A / s = r


s = r * θ

θ = s / r = s^2 / (2 * A)

In summary:

r = 2 * A / s

θ = s / r = s^2 / (2 * A)

Note that the angle is in radians.


Example 1:

s = 4, A = 30

r = (2 * 30) / 4 = 15

θ = 4 / 15 ≈ 0.266666667

Example 2:

s = 10.5, A = 31.8

r = (2 * 30) / 4 = 212/35 ≈ 6.057142857

θ = 10.5 / (212/35) = 735/424 ≈ 1.733490566


All original content copyright, © 2011-2024. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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