Saturday, May 11, 2024

Spotlight: Sharp EL-T100A

 Spotlight: Sharp EL-T100A

Quick Facts

Model: EL-T100A

Company: Sharp

Timeline: Late 2010s? (guess)

Type: Desktop, Quiz (Trainer)

Power: Solar, Battery back up CR2032

I purchased this EL-T100 at an estate sale in Glendora, California, for a dollar (along with paper). The EL-100T (and the later EL-100TA) is a “Brain Exerciser”, which is designed to test speed and accuracy on arithmetic math problems.

There are three modes for the EL-100A:

Regular desktop calculator. The display has 10 digits and has the arithmetic operator indicators. We can set and store the sales tax to use in future calculations. The keys are fast and responsive.

Quiz mode: Pressing the [ Quiz ] button to choose from a set of 25 problems, 50 problems, or 100 problems. We are given two results: the accuracy and the time it took to complete the quiz.

Age mode: Pressing the [ Age ] button will test you on 25 problems. In addition to accuracy time, your brain level is measured. After two attempts, which I took recently (March 24, 2024), I scored 98% correct in 1 minute, 26 seconds, with the age score of 42. The second time, I got 96% but in 1 minute, 17 seconds, with the age score of 40. I just turned 47 last March.

Key Summary

[ +TAX ] : Adds sales tax

Set tax rate: [ C CE ] [ C CE ] tax rate [ +TAX ]

[ -TAX ]: Subtracts sales tax

Verify tax rate: [ C CE ] [ C CE ] [ -TAX ]

[ R CM ]

Once: recalls the value in the memory register

Twice: clears the memory register (sets it as 0)

[ % ] {COR. %}

Math Mode: Perform a percentage calculation

Quiz/Age Mode: Verify the stored correct ratio of answers

[ × ] {DEL.}

Math Mode: multiplication

Quiz/Age Mode: erase stored, accumulated correct answers and percentage ratio

[ + ] {RES↑}

Math Mode: addition

Quiz/Age Mode: Display the completed duration values, oldest to newest problem

[ = ] {ENTER}

Math Mode: equals

Quiz/Age mode: start a drill or obtain an answer

[ - ] {RES↓}

Math Mode: subtraction

Quiz/Age Mode: Display the completed duration values, newest to oldest problem

[ ÷ ] {RANK}

Math Mode: division

Quiz/Age Mode: display the three fasted completed duration values of the quiz

[ CA ]

Clear all calculator memory except for tax rates. Terminates Quiz and Age mode.

[ M+ ]

Add the displayed value to the memory registers

Now I’m going to work on my fast arithmetic skills.


“Sharp EL-T100AB” Retrieved 29, 2024.

The Calculator Review “Review: Sharp EL-100AB “The Brian Exerciser”” February 27, 2019. Retrieved March 30, 2024.

Note: Both sources talk about an updated EL-T100AB, but it is said to share the same functionality of the EL-T100A.


All original content copyright, © 2011-2024. Edward Shore. Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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