Sunday, July 8, 2018

Retro Review: Casio fx-450 Calculator

Retro Review:  Casio fx-450 Calculator

General Information

Company:  Casio
Type:  Solar Scientific Algebraic (postfix)
Memory:  1 (store, recall, M+)
Years:  1983 (probably produced during the 1980s with various editions)
Original Cost: Unknown, my guess is $20-$30

Casio Ledudu’s page on fx-450:

It’s a Folding Calculator!

The Casio fx-450 is a folding scientific calculator: one side has the normal, plastic keys with the display and solar panel.  The scientific functions are located on the other panel are touch, rubber-like keys.  The large amount of keys allows for a relatively uncrowded keyboard since the shift key only affects a few keys. 

Modes included on fx-450:

* Single Variable Statistics

* Base Conversions with Boolean conversions (BIN, OCT, HEX)

In addition, the fx-450 has fraction calculations and nine scientific constants (by pressing [MODE] [SHIFT] [1-9]).  The constants, with the exception of the speed of light, have older values (they were updated as of the 2014 CODATA) and they are:

1. Speed of Light (c)
2. Plank’s constant (h)
3. Universal gravitational constant (G)
4. Electron charge (e)
5. Mass of an electron (me)
6. Atomic mass constant (u)
7. Avogadro’s constant (Na)
8. Boltzmann constant (k)
9. Molar volume of ideal gas (Vm)


I like the idea of a folding keyboard, especially one of this design.  However, I recommend that you take extra care of the calculator. If the calculator was shipped in bubble wrap, I would keep the bubble wrap and store the calculator.  A concern is the contacts to the scientific keys could be worn. 

The fx-450 is a multi-function scientific calculator with a great set of features and it makes a good collector’s item. 


All original content copyright, © 2011-2018.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.  Please contact the author if you have questions.

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