Friday, July 27, 2018

HP Prime: 3D Graphs July 2018 Gallery

HP Prime:  3D Graphs July 2018 Gallery

All graphs are made with the initial rangers x = [-4, 4], y = [-4, 4], and z = [-4, 4] rotated at different angles.  The function variable for 3D graphs for the HP Prime is FZ# (# is 0-9).  

 z = cos (xy) * cos(2xy) * cos(3xy)

z = e^(-sin(2xy)*cos(xy)/2)

z = cos y * (e^(-x^2/2) – e^(x^2/8))

z = sin(x*y) * cos(x*y) + sin(x*y)^2 * cos(x*y)

z = x^4 * y * cos(x*y) * e^(x*y)

z = ± (x^2 – y^2)

z = ± |sin(x*y) – cos(x*y) + x* e^y| 
z = y^2 * sin x * Γ(x/6)

z = x * sin(|x^2 + y^2|)
Until next time, have a great weekend and see in you August!


 All original content copyright, © 2011-2018.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.  Please contact the author if you have questions.

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