Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Fun with the FX-603P Emulator

Fun with the FX-603P Emulator

Author for the Emulator:  Martin Krischik

Cost: $5.99 (there is an fx-602P scientific calculator emulator for $4.99, similar programming language but only 10 programming spaces instead of 20)

The app is emulates the 1990 Casio fx-603P calculator.

Decibels to Pressure

Program: (29 steps)

“DB?”  HLT  ÷ 20  = 10^x  *  2E-5  = “Pressure:” HLT


DB = 30 dB; Result:  6.32455532 * 10^-4 N/m^2

DB = 120 dB; Result:  20 N/m^2

Turn Performance

Given a plane’s true air speed (TAS in knots), stall speed (in knots), and required bank turn (in degrees), the following are calculated:

1. G force
2.  Normal stall speed for the plane during the turn (knots)
3.  Turn diameter (nautical miles)
4.  Time it takes for the turn to be complete (in minutes)


G = 1/(cos(bank))

Stall speed = normal stall speed * G

Diameter = TAS^2 / (34208 * tan(bank))

Time = (0.0055 * TAS) / tan(bank)

Memory Registers:


M00 = TAS, M01 = Stall speed, M02 = Bank


M03 = G force, M04 = resulting stall speed, M05 = diameter, M06 = time

Program: (110 steps)

DEG “TAS?” HLT Min00
 “Norm. Stall?” HLT  Min01
 “Bank?” HLT Min02
MR02 cos 1/x Min03 “G:” HLT
MR03 √ * MR01 = “Stall Speed:” HLT
MR00 x^2 ÷ ( MR02 tan * 34208 ) = Min05 “Diameter:” HLT
0.0055 * MR00 ÷ MR02 tan “Time:” HLT Min06

DEG:  [ MODE ] [ 4 ]


TAS: 123 knots
Norm. Stall:  60 knots
Bank:  44.8°

G:  1.409302674
Stall Speed: 71.22843498 knots
Diameter:  0.445363387 n.m.
Time: 0.681239424 minutes (about 40.87 seconds)

Source:  “Turn Performance” HP 65 Aviation Pac-1 Hewlett Packard.  1974

Sum of a Function

This program uses the subroutine (under P9 with the variable MinF, or any register M04 or after) to calculate the summation:

Σ f(x) for x = a to b

The sum is stored in M03.

Note: when entering a new f(x), clear P9 (MODE, 3, P9, AC) first before entering the new function.  It’s a lot cleaner.

Main Program:  (34 bytes)

0 Min03
“a?” HLT Min01
“b?” HLT Min02
MR02 – MR01 + 1 = Min00
MR01 GSBP9 M+03
1 M+01
DSZ Goto0
MR03 “Σ=”

Lbl0:  [ LBL] [ 0 ]
GSBP9: [GSB] [ P9 ]
Goto0:  [ GOTO ] [ 0 ]
The character Σ:  (in ALPHA) [SHIFT] [ 7 ]
Memory F:  [ Min ], [ MR ], etc.  [EXE] for F.


Σ n^2 + 3*n – 6 for n = 1 to 8 
Min0F x^2 + 3 * MR0F – 6 =

Result:  264

Σ (n^3 – 1)/(n^2 + 1) for n = 0 to 11
( Min0F x^y 3 – 1 ) /div (MR0F x^2 + 1 ) =

Result: 61.6582396282

Combinations: where Repetition is allowed

The program calculates the number of combinations where repeats are allowed.

nHr = (n + r – 1)! / (r! * (n -1)!)

Program:  (39 steps)

“n?” HLT Min01
“r?” HLT Min02
( MR01 + MR02 – 1) x!
÷ ( MR02 x! * ( MR01 – 1 ) x! )
= “nHr=”


Input: n = 5, r = 3.  Result:  35

Input: n = 12, r = 6.  Result:  12376

Aviation:  Rate of Climb

This program calculates the rate-of-climb (ft/min) when plane increases the elevation (in feet) given the distance to the mountain (in nautical miles, n.m.) and the true air speed (TAS, in knots). 


ROC = ( TAS * ΔALT  ) / (60 * (dist^2 + (ΔALT/6077.1155)^2) )

Program: (88 steps)

6077.1155 Min0F
“TAS (knots)?” HLT Min01
“CHG ALT (ft)?” HLT Min02
“DIST (n.m.)?” HLT Min03
( MR01 * MR02 ) ÷
( 60 * ( MR03 x^2 + (
MR02 ÷ MR0F ) x^2
)   √ = “ROC:”


TAS = 87 knots
CHG ALT = 4800 ft
DIST = 13.3 n.m.

522.3878955 ft/min

Source:  “Rate of Climb and Descent” HP 65 Aviation Pac-1 Hewlett Packard.  1974


All original content copyright, © 2011-2018.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.  Please contact the author if you have questions.

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