Sunday, February 9, 2020

HP 11C: Construction: Calculating the Number of Tiles

HP 11C:  Construction:  Calculating the Number of Tiles


The 11C program presented will calculate the number of tiles needed for a rectangular room given:

*  room length and width, in feet
*  tile length and width, in feet
*  grout applied, if any, in inches
*  waste allowance %

For example, for a room of dimensions 12 feet 6 inches by 16 feet 8 inches, enter the room dimensions as 12.5 (12 + 6/12) and 16.66666667 (16 + 8/12), respectively.


Outside of User Mode:
Enter room length [ENTER] room width [ f ] [ A ]
Enter tile length [ENTER] tile width [ f ] [ B ]
Enter grout width [ f ] [ C ]
Enter waste allowance [ f ] [ D ]
Calculate the number of tiles, [ f ] [ E ]

In User Mode:
Enter room length [ENTER] room width [ √ ] (A)
Enter tile length [ENTER] tile width [ e^x ] (B)
Enter grout width [ 10^x ] (C)
Enter waste allowance [ y^x ] (D)
Calculate the number of tiles, [ 1/x ] (E)

R1 = tile length (ft)
R2 = tile width (ft)
R3 = grout (in)
R4 = room length (ft)
R5 = room width (ft)
R6 = waste %

Number of tiles =

ceiling( (room length * room width) / ((tile length + grout) * (tile width + grout)) * (1 + waste%)

ceiling:  next highest integer

HP 11C Program: Number of Tiles

Step:  Key Code:  Key

001:  42,21,11:  LBL A
002:  44,5:  STO 5
003:  34:   X<>Y
004:  44, 4:  STO 4
005:  43, 32:  RTN

006:  42, 21, 12:  LBL B
007:  44, 1:  STO 1
008:  34:  X<>Y
009:  44, 2:  STO 2
010:  43, 32:  RTN

011:  42, 21, 13:  LBL C
012:  1:  1
013:  2:  2
014:  10:  ÷
015:  44, 3:  STO 3
016:  43, 32:  RTN

017:  42, 21, 14:  LBL D
018:  44, 6:  STO 6
019:  43, 32:  RTN

020:  42, 21, 15:  LBL E
021:  45, 5:  RCL 5
022:  45, 4:  RCL 4
023:  20:  *
024:  45, 1:  RCL 1
025:  45, 3:  RCL 3
026:  40:  +
027:  45, 2:  RCL 2
028:  45, 3:  RCL 3
029:  40:  +
030:  20:  *
031:  10:  ÷
032:  45, 6:  RCL 6
033:  43, 14:  %
034:  40:  +
035:  36:  ENTER
036:  42, 44:  X=0
037:  43, 40:  FRAC
038:  22, 0:  GTO 0
039:  33:  R↓
040: 1:  1
041: 40: +
042: 22,1:  GTO 1 
043: 42,21,0:  LBL 0
044: 33: R↓
045: 42,21,1:  LBL 1
046: 43, 44: INT
047: 43, 32: RTN


Room Dimensions:  14 feet by 13.5 feet
Tile Dimensions:  1 foot by 1 foot
Grout: 1/8 inch (0.125 inch)
Waste Percentage:  5

Result:  Number of Tiles:  195


All original content copyright, © 2011-2020.  Edward Shore.   Unauthorized use and/or unauthorized distribution for commercial purposes without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited.  This blog entry may be distributed for noncommercial purposes, provided that full credit is given to the author.

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